- Feat: Spring WebClient integration (#1621)
- Feat: OpenFeign integration (#1632)
- Feat: Add more convenient way to pass BeforeSpanCallback in OpenFeign integration (#1637)
- Bump: sentry-native to 0.4.12 (#1651)
- Feat: Generate Sentry BOM (#1486)
- Feat: Slow/Frozen frames metrics (#1609)
- Fix: set min sdk version of sentry-android-fragment to API 14 (#1608)
- Fix: Ser/Deser of the UserFeedback from cached envelope (#1611)
- Feat: Add request body extraction for Spring MVC integration (#1595)
- Make SentryAppender non-final for Log4j2 and Logback (#1603)
- Fix: Do not throw IAE when tracing header contain invalid trace id (#1605)
- Update sentry-native to 0.4.11 (#1591)
- Feat: Spring Webflux integration (#1529)
- Fix: Handling missing Spring Security on classpath on Java 8 (#1552)
- Feat: Support transaction waiting for children to finish. (#1535)
- Feat: Capture logged marker in log4j2 and logback appenders (#1551)
- Feat: Allow clearing of attachments in the scope (#1562)
- Fix: Use a different method to get strings from JNI, and avoid excessive Stack Space usage. (#1214)
- Fix: Add data field to SentrySpan (#1555)
- Fix: Clock drift issue when calling DateUtils#getDateTimeWithMillisPrecision (#1557)
- Feat: Set mechanism type in SentryExceptionResolver (#1556)
- Feat: Perf. for fragments (#1528)
- Ref: Prefer snake case for HTTP integration data keys (#1559)
- Fix: Assign lastEventId only if event was queued for submission (#1565)
- Feat: Measure app start time (#1487)
- Feat: Automatic breadcrumbs logging for fragment lifecycle (#1522)