github getsentry/sentry-java 4.2.0

latest releases: 8.0.0-alpha.4, 7.12.0-alpha.3, 8.0.0-alpha.3...
3 years ago

What’s Changed

  • Fix: Remove experimental annotation for Attachment #1257
  • Fix: Mark stacktrace as snapshot if captured at arbitrary moment #1231
  • Enchancement: Improve EventProcessor nullability annotations (#1229).
  • Bump: sentry-native to 0.4.7
  • Enchancement: Add ability to flush events synchronously.
  • Fix: Disable Gson HTML escaping
  • Enchancement: Support @SentrySpan and @SentryTransaction on classes and interfaces. (#1243)
  • Enchancement: Do not serialize empty collections and maps (#1245)
  • Ref: Optimize DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor performance (#1247).
  • Ref: Prefix sdk.package names with io.sentry (#1249)
  • Fix: Make the ANR Atomic flags immutable
  • Enchancement: Integration interface better compatibility with Kotlin null-safety
  • Enchancement: Simplify Sentry configuration in Spring integration (#1259)
  • Enchancement: Simplify configuring Logback integration when environment variable with the DSN is not set (#1271)
  • Fix: Prevent NoOpHub from creating heavy SentryOptions objects (#1272)
  • Enchancement: Add Request to the Scope. #1270
  • Fix: Fix SentryTransaction#getStatus NPE (#1273)
  • Enchancement: Optimize SentryTracingFilter when hub is disabled.
  • Fix: Discard unfinished Spans before sending them over to Sentry (#1279)
  • Fix: Interrupt the thread in QueuedThreadPoolExecutor (#1276)
  • Fix: SentryTransaction#finish should not clear another transaction from the scope (#1278)

Breaking Changes:

  • Enchancement: SentryExceptionResolver should not send handled errors by default (#1248).
  • Ref: Simplify RestTemplate instrumentation (#1246)
  • Enchancement: Add overloads for startTransaction taking op and description (#1244)

Packages were released on bintray sentry-java, bintray sentry-android, jcenter and mavenCentral

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