github getsentry/sentry-go v0.6.0

latest releases: v0.28.1, otel/v0.28.1, v0.28.0...
4 years ago
  • feat: Read module dependencies from runtime/debug (#199)
  • feat: Support chained errors using Unwrap (#206)
  • feat: Report chain of errors when available (#185)
  • [breaking] fix: Accept http.RoundTripper to customize transport (#205)
    Before the SDK accepted a concrete value of type *http.Transport in
    ClientOptions, now it accepts any value implementing the http.RoundTripper
    interface. Note that *http.Transport implements http.RoundTripper, so most
    code bases will continue to work unchanged.
    Users of custom transport gain the ability to pass in other implementations of
    http.RoundTripper and may be able to simplify their code bases.
  • fix: Do not panic when scope event processor drops event (#192)
  • [breaking] fix: Use time.Time for timestamps (#191)
    Users of sentry-go typically do not need to manipulate timestamps manually.
    For those who do, the field type changed from int64 to time.Time, which
    should be more convenient to use. The recommended way to get the current time
    is time.Now().UTC().
  • fix: Report usage error including stack trace (#189)
  • feat: Add Exception.ThreadID field (#183)
  • ci: Test against Go 1.14, drop 1.11 (#170)
  • feat: Limit reading bytes from request bodies (#168)
  • [breaking] fix: Rename fasthttp integration package sentryhttp => sentryfasthttp
    The current recommendation is to use a named import, in which case existing
    code should not require any change:
    package main
    import (
    	sentryfasthttp ""

This version includes some new features and a few breaking changes, none of
which should pose troubles with upgrading. Most code bases should be able to
upgrade without any changes.

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