github getsentry/sentry-go v0.5.0

latest releases: v0.28.1, otel/v0.28.1, v0.28.0...
4 years ago
  • fix: Synchronize access to HTTPTransport.disabledUntil (#158)
  • docs: Update Flush documentation (#153)
  • fix: HTTPTransport.Flush panic and data race (#140)

This version changes the implementation of the default transport, modifying the
behavior of sentry.Flush. The previous behavior was to wait until there were
no buffered events; new concurrent events kept Flush from returning. The new
behavior is to wait until the last event prior to the call to Flush has been
sent or the timeout; new concurrent events have no effect. The new behavior is
inline with the Unified API

We have updated the documentation and examples to clarify that Flush is meant
to be called typically only once before program termination, to wait for
in-flight events to be sent to Sentry. Calling Flush after every event is not
recommended, as it introduces unnecessary latency to the surrounding function.
Please verify the usage of sentry.Flush in your code base.

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