github getAlby/lightning-browser-extension v1.6.0
v1.6.0 🌈 Back from Istanbul

latest releases: v3.11.0, v3.10.0, v3.9.2...
2 years ago

💸 New Alby wallets

With this release we fully activate our Alby wallets. Getting a new wallet is now easier and much faster!
We recommend everyone to migrate their old BlueWallet LNDhub accounts to a new Alby account.

🥷 Activated support to connect to nodes behind Tor

With our new Alby companion apps you can now connect Alby to nodes behind Tor.
Tor greatly improves the node operator's privacy and makes it easier to connect to personal nodes like for example RaspiBlitz, Umbrel, Citadel, myNode, etc.

Note: this requires a new Browser permission to allow native messaging. Your Browser will ask you to confirm this.

Other Notable Changes

🚀 Features

  • Delete accounts - first step towards full account management features @dylancom (#599)
  • Use new Alby hosted wallets @bumi (#586)
  • Tipping for reddit profiles @AustinKelsay (#605)
  • Support for the Alby native app to connect to nodes behind Tor.

🧰 Maintenance

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