This is a pretty big release with many fixes and improvements.
We now also have passed the 1000 pull requests mark. Thanks to all the amazing people who have contributed to this release!
Notable Changes
- Prevent multiple parallel WebLN calls @bumi (#1003)
- Add Podverse to suggested "Websites" @MoritzKa (#1002)
- Highlight selected account in menu @im-adithya @dylancom (#991, #997, #900)
- Add descriptive message when WebLN method (e.g. keysend) is not supported @dylancom (#963)
- Show budget details for publishers even when there is no budget set @dylancom (#982)
- Support paths for the LND URL (makes it possible to connect to BTCPay LND) @bumi (#885)
- Use nicer alert messages (using the new toast component) @lightningxbtc @secondl1ght
- Remove connector badge from accounts dropdown @secondl1ght (#916)
- Add myNode and RaspiBlitz videos to connectors @secondl1ght (#870)
- Fix verify signature calls for lndhub/lnbits @dylancom (#935)
- Update minimum node version to 14.17 @escapedcat (#965)
- Fix: publish correct payment notification for keysend payments @bumi (#915)
- Show total sats spent by website @dylancom (#891)
- Reorganize settings page with better explanations @reneaaron (#846)
- Update payment summary styling @dylancom (#880)
- Fix infinite loop upon refreshing the choose connector screen @dylancom (#875)
- Style: prefer website metatag icon over image @bumi (#959)
- Fix: lndconnect workaround for Firefox @AaronDewes (#886)
And much more fixes and optimizations. Have a look at the full diff for details