- Added steamrep.com and csgo-rep.com profile links to Steam profile context menus.
- Added logic that keeps refreshing trade offers until they properly load.
- The trade offer message is now included in the Discord message when notifying about trade offers.
- Added an option to customize the market buy order outbid percentage.
- Added an option to remove animated profile backgrounds.
- Added Profit/Loss summary to offer and trade history.
- Added an option to add buttons to inventory items that allow for copying item ids, market names and inventory links.
- Added an option to hide exterior indicators in inventories/offers.
- Market outbidding now respects buy order quantities.
- Fixed trade offer Discord notification when one side of the offer is empty or the offer includes non-csgo items.
- The extension does not show stickers on items on market listings when the csgofloat extension is installed.
- Fixed stickers with comas in their name breaking sticker displaying.
- Updated dependencies, fixed typos