github geoserver/geoserver 2.21-RC
GeoServer 2.21-RC

latest releases: 2.25.6, 2.26.2, 2.25.5...
2 years ago

Release notes

Release candidate


GEOS-10478 Update XStream library to 1.4.19

GEOS-10477 SLD - Validation error on Normalize-node

GEOS-10475 OpenID plugin - Support response_mode param

GEOS-10474 OpenID Connect fails with error "Provider for cannot be found"

GEOS-10470 DataAccessLimit serialization issue while configuring GeoFence

GEOS-10454 Make LanguageUrl mangler using rawKvp instead of HttpServletRequest params

GEOS-10448 GetTimeSeries does not limit number of dates when using a time range request (without period)

GEOS-10437 Breaking SLD 1.1 style by REST upload

GEOS-10433 Fix tests that rely on poorly written like filters

GEOS-10432 Missing dependency in Backup/Restore plugin assembly

GEOS-10429 Style validation error using the VendorOption "graphic-margin"

GEOS-10425 NullPointerException on new AbstractAccessRuleDAO.lock() method

GEOS-10418 Bad request sent to GeoFence when matching roles only

GEOS-10417 Schemaless PropertyName issue with unbounded nested features

GEOS-10416 OSEO-STAC allow fields selection for features template base output format

GEOS-10413 Schemaless Features- Allow usage of . separator for PropertyName evaluation

GEOS-10411 Incorrect Encoding of Language in INSPIRE extension

GEOS-10404 OGC Feature API - Query Parameter for filter-crs is ignored

GEOS-10401 WPS GetExecutionResult doesn't validate the mimetype parameter

GEOS-10400 Disabling WMS dynamic styling does not affect GetLegendGraphic requests

GEOS-10396 Downgrade jt-jdbc-teradata to unsupported

GEOS-10393 WFS-T deletes the wrong features (and further BatchManager issues)

GEOS-10390 Concurrency issues with SecuredResourceNameChangeListener when renaming layers simultaneously

GEOS-10388 STAC cannot extract queryables/sortables when a dynamic includeFlat is used in the items template

GEOS-10387 Thread updating a cache in ResourcePool might block indefinitely other threads reading from the same caches

GEOS-10386 STAC sorting, initial implementation

GEOS-10385 GeoServer with MBStyles plugin fails to start, lacks JSON parsing library

GEOS-10380 Features Templating - IncludeFlat directive for dynamic inclusion not properly working

GEOS-10377 Layers and Layer Groups get default abstract in capabilities document when none set in configuration.

GEOS-10375 jdbcconfig does not support WMTSStoreInfo and WMTSLayerInfo

GEOS-10374 Log exception flooding opening GWC's NewCachedLayerPage

GEOS-10371 Removing LayerGroup does not remove associated data acces rules

GEOS-10362 Username remains in roles.xml after user removal operation

GEOS-10359 GetFeatureInfo with raster to vector extraction breaks on property selection

GEOS-10358 GetFeatureInfo: don't run footprint extraction transformation if there is no symbolizer active for it

GEOS-10354 Cascaded WMTS fails when ows:OperationsMetadata missing from capabilities

GEOS-10352 GetMap clip vendor does not always return fully transparent images outside of clip

GEOS-10336 INSPIRE failure: version not propagated in GetCapabilities LegendURL

GEOS-10332 GrowableInternationalStringConverter can cause random XStream conversion failures

GEOS-10329 Resource configuration for cascaded WMTS will not update TileMatrixSet

GEOS-10318 CSV output format for complex features doesn't resolve namespace URIs to prefixes on attributes names

GEOS-10317 ElasticSearch GUI goes NPE when using stores without a declared type

GEOS-10316 Regression in 2.20.x: Unable to specify JAVA_OPTS for

GEOS-10308 GeoServer with OGCAPI fails to deploy

GEOS-10307 Remove the importer-bdb community module

GEOS-10306 Remove the community QOS module

GEOS-10305 Remove the community NSG module

GEOS-10304 Remove the WFS3 community module

GEOS-10301 Conflicting woodstox parser from ogcapi prevented editing sld styles

GEOS-10282 GeoServer translations files incorrectly decoded assuming UTF-8 causing translation files like leading characters represented as question marks

GEOS-10279 Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.44

GEOS-10278 Compatibility issues between FeaturesTemplating and Geofence REST

GEOS-10273 GeofenceAccesManager throws index out of bound when requesting nested layerGroups

GEOS-10266 Features Templating makes getfeatureinfo fail for raster data

GEOS-10264 Address startup warning File option not set for appender [geoserverlogfile]

GEOS-10263 WPSRequestBuilderTest assumes that JTS:area is the first process in the list

GEOS-10254 Features templating JSON-LD output should not encode all attributes as string

GEOS-10249 GWC produce NPE when it comes to race condition

GEOS-10245 jdbcconfig: prefixedName filter field not updated

GEOS-10243 OSHI may generate high CPU load on Windows

GEOS-10235 Prevent double-quote to be specified as CSV separator

GEOS-10226 ResourcePool leaves empty files on failure

GEOS-10146 App-schema: support for multiple geometries with different CRS

GEOS-10084 Cannot save the custom SQL session start script when using braces "{}" together with the ${GSUSER,geoserver}

GEOS-10066 CSS ArrayList class cast exception in layer rendering

GEOS-9978 WMS vendor parameter CLIP - ignores TIME/CQL_FILTER and other parameters when using with ImageMosaic

GEOS-9785 Invalid argument type=null when trying to use gs:Download WPS identifier

GEOS-9770 Cascading WMS server sets invalid I and J when using EPSG:3006 on GetFeatureInfo calls

GEOS-8793 WFS 1.1.0/2.0.0 GeoPackage output wrong Coordinate Order

GEOS-7606 GeoServer extension packages include httpclient-4.2.5.jar & httpcore-4.3.3.jar


GEOS-10463 Support WCS default value for Deflate Compression

GEOS-10451 Support in OSEO for POST queries with CQL

GEOS-10443 Graduate kml-ppio community module to wps extension

GEOS-10440 Documentation updates to reflect changes to the Elasticsearch module in GeoTools

GEOS-10434 Externalized GeoServer environment properties

GEOS-10431 Add WPS setting to disable remote complex inputs

GEOS-10427 Improve access check in ImportProcess

GEOS-10421 WMTS multidim: allow usage of summary to query dimension domains

GEOS-10420 GeoFence group list is too limiting, add '*' to match any role

GEOS-10410 Update to PMD 6.42

GEOS-10409 Improve deletion of WPS Execute input temp files

GEOS-10405 GetFeatureInfo: Support multiple featureCollections per query layer

GEOS-10399 Allow wps-download to perform a straight copy of the source raster, when the request is not altering it in any way

GEOS-10391 Add external output directory setting to limit where processes can write

GEOS-10389 Introduce ENTITY_RESOLUTION_ALLOWLIST to further restrict entity resolver

GEOS-10370 tidy up versions of JUnit in community modules

GEOS-10369 Allow map decoration configurations to refer CQL expressions rather than static values

GEOS-10331 WMTSLayerInfo native CRS as base source for reprojecting WMTS layers

GEOS-10327 CSV Outputformat - Allow list of values to be returned as a comma separated string

GEOS-10320 Support GetFeatureInfo on raster layers with transformations turning the output into vector

GEOS-10315 Features Templating - Allow injecting JSON-LD output in HTML

GEOS-10314 Features Templating - allow specifying root @type in the JSON-LD output and a different name for features array

GEOS-10312 Add support for COG mosaics on OpenSearch EarthObservation (oseo) plugin

GEOS-10285 Add Google cloud support to the COG community module

GEOS-10265 WFS-T Bulk Transaction optimization

GEOS-10251 Refactor MapML vocabulary to map- custom elements HTML namespace

GEOS-10246 jdbcconfig: performance slow-down from unnecessary transactions

GEOS-10214 Java 17 experimental compatibility

GEOS-9734 Some classes use org.apache.log4j.Logger instead of org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger()

New Feature

GEOS-10426 GISP 167: Upgrade Log4j

GEOS-10368 Logging Controller Addition

GEOS-10356 Allow feature type customization

GEOS-10351 [GSIP 206] Promote GeoPackage WFS and WMS output formats to an extension

GEOS-10340 Converting Static RSS Bits to Freemarker Template in OSEO

GEOS-10324 OpenSearchEO Adding Artibrary Number of Columns to OgcLinks table

GEOS-10319 includeFlat supports to load a JSON database field in features templates

GEOS-10287 Extend GeoServer freemarker templates support to read properties from a JSON file

GEOS-10274 Geofence follow up LayerGroup Style addition

GEOS-10252 Add Styles support to LayerGroup

GEOS-10230 MarkFactory WMS rendering performance optimization

GEOS-10228 Add wrap_limit property to wrap the category text values of a legend

GEOS-10223 Support MBTiles in OGC Tiles API

GEOS-1158 Specify Geoserver UI Language in Configuration


GEOS-10460 Centralize JNDI lookups

GEOS-10458 Update jai-ext to 1.1.22

GEOS-10446 Upgrade to commons-codec 1.15 version

GEOS-10445 Upgrade springframework from 5.1.20.RELEASE to 5.2.20.RELEASE

GEOS-10442 Upgrade or remove jasper dependencies

GEOS-10435 Dependency upgrade: xstream -> 1.4.19, jettison 1.0.1 -> 1.4.1

GEOS-10402 Upgrade imageio-ext to 1.4.0 (tested with gdal 3.2)

GEOS-10384 Change GetMap to URIKvpParser

GEOS-10382 Switch automatic formatting and check to Spotless

GEOS-10381 Add CQL2 support to OGC API Features and STAC

GEOS-10372 Geopackage Integration Tests Support for Appschema

GEOS-10364 Duplicate bean definitions in gwc spring context config files

GEOS-10363 Switch from itextpdf to openpdf for PDF map rendering

GEOS-10353 Remove leftovers of the old WFS versioning store

GEOS-10349 Add gitattributes to GeoServer sources

GEOS-10348 Remove unnecessary dependeny on com.h2database:h2 from gs-platform and gs-wms

GEOS-10347 Avoid excessive code nesting: clean up, and add a QA rule

GEOS-10345 Switch from gt-geojson to gt-geojson-core

GEOS-10343 Remove the geogig community module

GEOS-10339 jms-cluster: switch to using managed dependency for log4j

GEOS-10338 Upgrade jdom dependency

GEOS-10303 Upgrade to jackson 2.13.2

GEOS-10297 Remove unnecessary warning suppressions

GEOS-10296 Upgrade to ErrorProne 2.10.0

GEOS-10293 Upgrade to ErrorProne 2.9.0

GEOS-10269 Overriding JSON Object while Merging Feature Templates

GEOS-10268 Null Support in Features Templating

GEOS-10238 Test logging WARNING: Extension lookup, but ApplicationContext is unset

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