github geoserver/geoserver 2.20.2

latest releases: 2.24.3, 2.25.0, 2.25-RC...
2 years ago

Release notes


GEOS-10352 GetMap clip vendor does not always return fully transparent images outside of clip

GEOS-10341 Interpolation not being propagated to the reader when a renderingTransformation is involved

GEOS-10337 Harden importer against failed imports, make failures more evident

GEOS-10322 JDBCConfig community module does not deal with stale connections to the database

GEOS-10311 GeoPackage process cannot use layer groups and vendor parameters like the WMS output format does

GEOS-10309 WMS cascade layer wrong native CRS due to unordered SRS and bounding boxes

GEOS-10243 OSHI may generate high CPU load on Windows

GEOS-8262 GeoPackage tile matrix set extents not set correctly


GEOS-10328 Expire completed and stale importer contexts

GEOS-10321 WCS 2.0 might fail to return coverages whose native BBOX goes slighly outside of the dateline

GEOS-10315 Features Templating - Allow injecting JSON-LD output in HTML

GEOS-10314 Features Templating - allow specifying root @type in the JSON-LD output and a different name for features array

GEOS-10313 Support WMS rendering timeout in GeoPackage WMS output, support cancellation in WPS process

New Feature

GEOS-10230 MarkFactory WMS rendering performance optimization

GEOS-10340 Converting Static RSS Bits to Freemarker Template in OSEO

GEOS-10324 Adding Artibrary Number of Columns to OgcLinks table

GEOS-10319 includeFlat supports to load a JSON database field in features templates


GEOS-10349 Add gitattributes to GeoServer sources

GEOS-10335 Update GeoServer to a log4j version that does not support RCEs

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