What's Changed
- fixes setLang to handle navigator.language formats (such as "fr-FR") by @mscno in #1499
- Fix missing type definition by @m208 in #1514
- Fix for resizeableCircle #1516 by @DoiMayank in #1518
- Fix bug in snapping when polyline has only one coordinate by @Falke-Design in #1526
- Upgrade Codebase by @Falke-Design in #1533
- Fix moving center marker of circle when snapping is disabled by @Falke-Design in #1532
- fix: Make sure text layer's text is center by @zzxming in #1509
- Allow removal of holes in polygons while maintaining the minimum vertex count of the geometry by @Tobikblom in #1475
- Cleanup temp layers after editing / removing by @Falke-Design in #1534
- Show HintMarker at the last position if continueDrawing is enabled by @Falke-Design in #1536
- Only check self-intersection when allowSelfIntersection is false by @Falke-Design in #1537
- Fixes: While drawing the crosshair cursor is always actvie by @Falke-Design in #1538
- Add new option to disable vertex snapping by @Falke-Design in #1539
- Fix Text test by @Falke-Design in #1540
New Contributors
- @m208 made their first contribution in #1514
- @DoiMayank made their first contribution in #1518
- @zzxming made their first contribution in #1509
- @Tobikblom made their first contribution in #1475
Full Changelog: v2.17.0...v2.18.0