github genetics-statistics/GEMMA 0.98.1
GEMMA version 0.98.1

latest releases: v0.98.5, v0.98.4, 0.98.3...
5 years ago

Bug fix release

  • Fixes regression on Plink analysis with missing data (#188 thank you @voichek)

To install the image, download and

md5sum gemma-0.98.1.gz
8e7eda8091e4c4e587d91cf9d94ed147  gemma-0.98.1.gz
gzip -d gemma-0.98.1.gz
chmod a+x gemma-0.98.1

GEMMA 0.98.1 (2018-12-10) by Xiang Zhou and team (C) 2012-2018

type ./gemma -h [num] for detailed help

The binary images were reproducibly built on x86_64 with

Generation 1    Nov 03 2018 12:30:38    (current)
  guix ff34941
    repository URL:
    commit: ff349415b27cc764fd7168ef35ca76c3b8b05889

guix environment -C guix --ad-hoc gcc gdb gfortran:lib gsl eigen openblas zlib bash ld-wrapper perl
make clean && make -j 16 && make fast-check
for x in `ldd bin/gemma|cut -d ' ' -f 3` ; do realpath $x ; done

# build static image
make clean && make WITH_GFORTRAN=1 static -j 16 && make check

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