github gdh1995/vimium-c v1.92.4
runKey supports command trees

latest releases: v1.99.995, v1.99.994, v1.99.993...
2 years ago
  • improved key mappings
  • Vomnibar: fix URLs with space characters would break
  • map: fix bugs of $then and $else, and apply them to much more commands
    • for example, enterFindMode supports $then="enterVisualMode", and scroll* runs $then when something is scrolled
    • most commands operating tabs support $then and $else
  • runKey command: change syntax of .keys, to support command trees
  • env: now host only considers about top frame URL; add iframe: boolean | string to match iframes
  • mapKey: support <...:n> and they will only take effect in normal mode
  • LinkHints: image mode: now can open simple SVG images
  • Firefox: some commands operating tabs will run faster when repeating count is 1
  • fix w and e in VisualMode on Chrome 90+ on Windows
  • fix passNextKey on macOS
  • fix a bug about filter in closeOtherTabs; joinTabs and sortTabs now supports filter
  • some other improvements and bug fixes
  • 1.92.1
    • keyMappings: not treat a line as an error if with $if={...}
      • add unmap! to unmap a key sequence when it exists - aka ignoring errros
    • word around some configurations of Dark Reader
    • fix settings has no backup in storage.local when syncing is disabled
  • 1.92.2
    • fix some new bugs
    • add a new command of dispatchEvent to simulate dispatching events (options are used to init events)
    • .filter option: support sub-arguments like url=... and host=...
    • LinkHints.*: .toggle option: accept [+-]?(\[attr~?=.*\]|\.?\S*) to modify attributes and classNames
  • 1.92.3
    • Chrome: fix Vimium C Options can not show if only setting syncing is enabled
  • 1.92.4
    • fix a crash during import settings
    • small improvements on runKey

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