github gcobb321/icloud3_v3 v3.0.0-beta-7
iCloud3 v3.0.0 Beta 7

latest releases: v3.1.6.1, v3.1.6, v3.1.5.2b2...
pre-release2 years ago

Beta 7, Beta 7, Beta 7 - This beta changed the way the iCloud Account is first logged into to (hopefully) prevent errors caused by slow internet speeds and show servers. Normally, the connection is requested before iCloud3 actually starts so the Family Share and Find-my-Friends data is available when it is needed in Stage 4. If it wasn't available, bad things were happening. I also added sensor attributes showing the distance between all tracked devices that is updated when any device is updated so the distance is almost real-time. Naturally, there were also a few bug fixes dealing with the debug log and iCloud3 hanging when there was a problem connecting to the Waze Location Server. Details are below.

Download from the Release page here. Select Assets, then select or,
Download directly from the GitHub Code page here. Click download on the right side of the screen.
All of the Change Logs can be found here

Change Log:

  1. Fixed a problem connecting to the iCloud Account when there was a delay establishing the
    initial connection. This was causing authentication delays and eventually creating an HA
    error about I/O being done outside of the Event Loop. Also added a configuration item to
    delay setting up the iCloud connection until later in the iCloud start up process.
  2. Removed the unit of measure (mi, km) from the distance sensor distance related attributes.
    They are now numeric values, making it much simpler to use in automation triggers and conditions.
  3. Fixed a problem where the Max Distance attribute in the distance sensors was being set when the
    location was old or the gps accuracy was poor. An additional check was added to only set the
    max_distance when the interval is >= 1-minute
  4. Added the distance to other devices to zone_distance sensor and home_distance sensors. It
    displays the distance in meters and miles or kilometers. Each device has it's own attribute
    that is available in automations and scripts. Since the underscore ('
    ') can not be displayed
    in an attribute (HA limitation), the underscores ('
    's) have been converted to dashes ('-'s).
  5. Modified the way nearby device information is reported and used to make it more reliable and
    easier to display in the Event Log.
  6. Fixed a problem where iCloud3 would hang if the Waze Region code was not appropriate for your
    location. Also, the HA location country code is used to determine the correct Waze Region when
    the conversion is done or iCloud3 is being installed for the first time.
  7. Fixed a few problems with the icloud3-debug.log where debug logging would be stopped when it
    shouldn't have and where the file would not always be created when iCloud3 started. Also reduced
    time ensuring records are written to the file from 15-minutes to 1-minute

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