github gcobb321/icloud3_v3 v3.0.0-beta-12
iCloud3 v3, Beta 12a (2/16/2023)

latest releases: v3.1.4.1, v3.1.4, v3.1.3...
pre-release23 months ago

Beta 12a (2/16/2023)

Beta 12a only updates the v2-v3 migration and does not need to be downloaded if you are already using v3.

Edit 2/16/2023 - On a new install and the v2 parameters were being migrated to v3, the time fields were still using the beta 11 format instead of new time field format introduced in beta 12. This has been corrected.

Edit: 2/12/2023 - If beta10 was never installed, the config parameter for the Device Tracker State Format parameter was never added to the configuration file, causing an error when trying to update the Event Log Parameters in beta 12. This has been corrected. A range check was also added to make sure the parameters are all within the min/max ranges for the new method of entering numeric fields.

This update fixes some problems, adds a few new features and makes some minor changes, The highlights are:

  • iCloud3 Configurator - The time parameters fields are not visible in the HA 2023.2.2 release. This may be an HA bug or by design, but has been fixed and they are back, better than before.

  • Added a FamShr/FmF locate service call and Event Log Action

  • Passthru Zone - There was a bug causing devices without the iOS App (Watches) to stop being tracked when it went into a zone and the passthru 1-minute timer was set. That time was never reset so the device stopped being tracked. It has been disabled until the next beta.

To Do:

  • Fix the Passthru zone issue
  • Add it to HACS so it will coexist with iCloud3 v2
  • Do not create battery sensors for devices only using the FmF tracking method
  • Some internal stuff needed by HA before the March HA release

Download from the Release page here. Select Assets, then select
iCloud3 v3 Documentation can be found here
All of the Change Logs can be found here

Change Log: Beta 12 (2/11/2023)

1.  iCloud3 Configurator - The HA 2023.2.2 seems to have disabled the time entry fields (hh:mm:ss) used
    to enter a lot of parameters (inZone Interval, Stationary Still Time, Old Location adjustment, etc).
    The screens display but none of thse fields are showing. This may be a HA bug that needs fixing or
    they are removing it from HA. In any case, all of the configuration parameter entry screens have
    been modified to use another method of entering the parameters. It actually works better, is easier
    to use and takes up less screen real estate. The fields can be entered using the keyboard or through
    a numeric slider.

2. New 'locate' Service call - Added the 'locate' Action to the icloud3.action Service Call. This action
    lets you locate a device (or all devices) immediately or in after a specific time has elapsed.
    This replaces the set_interval service call in v2.
    The following examples explains how it can be used:
        Calling method:
            service: icloud3.action
            data: {action: locate xx min, device_name: xxx}

            - Locate gary_iphone in 4 minutes: {action: locate 4 min, device_name: gary_iphone}
            - Locate gary_iphone immediately:  {action: locate, device_name: gary_iphone}
            - Locate all phones in 4 minutes:  {action: locate 4 min}
            - Locate all phones immediately:   {action: locate}
3. Event Log > Action - Added the above 'locate' to the Action command manu to locate a specific device or
    all devices using the FamShr or FmF methods. Also tweaked the debug/rawdata logging text color on the
    heading lines displayed when an update is started or completed. It is now black.

4. Passthru Zone - Tried to fix the problem with the passthru zone enter delay. A device that was
    not using the iOS App (Watch) would set up the passthru zone enter delay when entering a zone but
    the next update time was never getting triggered so the zone enter delay was never be cleared.
    This stopped the device from being tracked and updated. On a trial run, the passthrou zone delay did
    not work but the Watch was tracking without any issues. It is disabled in this beta until I get it
    working and have given it a comprehensive test. It should be available in beta 13 next weekend.

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