0.17.0 (2024-04-12)
- add a Bash script to help Linux user manage Backrest (#187) (d78bcfa)
- allow hook exit codes to control backup execution (e.g fail, skip, etc) (c4ae5b3)
- release backrest as a homebrew tap (16a7d0e)
- use amd64 restic for arm64 Windows (#201) (3770966)
- use new task queue implementation in orchestrator (1d04898)
Bug Fixes
- address minor data race in command output handling and enable --race in coverage (3223138)
- bugs in refactored task queue and improved coverage (834b74f)
- cannot set retention policy buckets to 0 (7e9bf15)
- css: fixing overflow issue (#191) (1d9e43e)
- default BACKREST_PORT to (localhost only) when using install.sh (eb07230)
- handle backpressure correctly in event stream (4e2bf1f)
- improve tooltips on AddRepoModal (e2be189)
- include ioutil helpers (88a926b)
- limit cmd log length to 32KB per operation (92d52be)
- misc UI and backend bug fixes (e96f403)
- refactor priority ordered task queue implementation (8b9280e)
- spawn goroutine to update oplog with progress during backup/restore (eab1c1b)
- use C:\Program Files\backrest on both x64 and 32-bit (#200) (7b0d3aa)