github gardenlinux/gardenlinux 934.1

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19 months ago

Garden Linux Release 934.1

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Public images on cloud platforms

Alibaba Cloud (AMD64)

- Region: cn-qingdao, Image-Id: m-m5egi8jjcw8yxz7xgq1o
- Region: cn-beijing, Image-Id: m-2ze50yrfcxidxajzjhwh
- Region: cn-zhangjiakou, Image-Id: m-8vb4a7knnpphkklz9mjt
- Region: cn-huhehaote, Image-Id: m-hp366n2hs4wlmynga0ud
- Region: cn-wulanchabu, Image-Id: m-0jl94vu6m8j33tboyhld
- Region: cn-hangzhou, Image-Id: m-bp13wljqcqnx8swxzhv9
- Region: cn-shanghai, Image-Id: m-uf6bjqolzwjcsuzrx1cr
- Region: cn-nanjing, Image-Id: m-gc77uxxgbmxpr4xhwxul
- Region: cn-shenzhen, Image-Id: m-wz9ctvduhhiz0pw6jbkf
- Region: cn-heyuan, Image-Id: m-f8z11vsbal7jgds9ptcw
- Region: cn-guangzhou, Image-Id: m-7xvdv6v8ep64kl2aqiqo
- Region: cn-fuzhou, Image-Id: m-gw0hmi3v9mhxzvvd6g1g
- Region: cn-chengdu, Image-Id: m-2vcbhsln90j75tcall2g
- Region: cn-hongkong, Image-Id: m-j6cek7rpr0px8698ysgs
- Region: ap-northeast-1, Image-Id: m-6wega686axe6s1tvtfwr
- Region: ap-northeast-2, Image-Id: m-mj7gkbjalk35c2t2vvli
- Region: ap-southeast-1, Image-Id: m-t4n2hukubh6zfanzuyjw
- Region: ap-southeast-2, Image-Id: m-p0w28w0cy7zkmbmfs77e
- Region: ap-southeast-3, Image-Id: m-8ps0hd09xk9vy5rhia4r
- Region: ap-southeast-6, Image-Id: m-5ts3lkv7qlwtu2iwbi67
- Region: ap-southeast-5, Image-Id: m-k1a90abmt0q6k4jtr3sl
- Region: ap-south-1, Image-Id: m-a2de9pseh9y0qkmrz08m
- Region: ap-southeast-7, Image-Id: m-0jofy6fi99v8ld92e215
- Region: us-east-1, Image-Id: m-0xifax0mu5veq2f6s9yw
- Region: us-west-1, Image-Id: m-rj9j191j9cuawwq3t4n2
- Region: eu-west-1, Image-Id: m-d7o3u8s3csc6ot164xjk
- Region: me-east-1, Image-Id: m-eb36odc0ofr52xpogyxq
- Region: eu-central-1, Image-Id: m-gw820eour6kk8u063gx9

Amazon Web Services (AMD64)

- Region: eu-north-1, Image-Id: ami-03777a208d68af24e
- Region: ap-south-1, Image-Id: ami-05665053f47240c1d
- Region: eu-west-3, Image-Id: ami-0bec6922b4ae6db0a
- Region: eu-west-2, Image-Id: ami-0ab33e5771b3ca6c5
- Region: eu-west-1, Image-Id: ami-06c15657e496c6e21
- Region: ap-northeast-3, Image-Id: ami-06ca7c5992925bc6d
- Region: ap-northeast-2, Image-Id: ami-0045cbaf3d6ebb7f3
- Region: ap-northeast-1, Image-Id: ami-0c27fa32869f7758f
- Region: sa-east-1, Image-Id: ami-0485fea6d6bc73e9e
- Region: ca-central-1, Image-Id: ami-05faee320df581379
- Region: ap-southeast-1, Image-Id: ami-0d527f7fefb2e21b0
- Region: ap-southeast-2, Image-Id: ami-05f036b9ed89ae62b
- Region: us-east-1, Image-Id: ami-08d02ba96b69a8f34
- Region: us-east-2, Image-Id: ami-03ca8f6c76086182e
- Region: us-west-1, Image-Id: ami-0c3367aa38e0d3b8b
- Region: us-west-2, Image-Id: ami-0fa353762d1c305bb
- Region: eu-central-1, Image-Id: ami-098d29d72e918d693
- Region: cn-north-1, Image-Id: ami-0028af73144a28f38
- Region: cn-northwest-1, Image-Id: ami-0caa4b1456b61d34a

Google Cloud Platform (AMD64)

All regions:

gcp_image_name: gardenlinux-gcp-gardener-prod-amd64-934-1-b1021e6

Microsoft Azure (AMD64)

All regions:

communityImageGalleryID: /CommunityGalleries/gardenlinux-13e998fe-534d-4b0a-8a27-f16a73aef620/Images/gardenlinux/Versions/934.1.0

How to import images to public Cloud Providers

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