github gardener/gardener v1.49.0

latest releases: v1.98.0, v1.96.6, v1.97.2...
2 years ago


✨ New Features

  • [USER] NodeLocalDNS can now be enabled via the shoot specification, nodes are rolled in case NodeLocalDNS is switched. Each node gets an additional label indicating the state of NodeLocalDNS at this node. (gardener/gardener#6057, @ScheererJ)
  • [USER] When annotating shoots with or apiserver now validates if the respective operations are supported. (gardener/gardener#6070, @oliver-goetz)
  • [OPERATOR] A full snapshot of etcd-main is now triggered after all Secret were encrypted with the new key after ETCD encryption key rotation. (gardener/gardener#6064, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] Introduce feature gate HAControlPlanes in alpha state for gardenlet and gardener-scheduler. ⚠️ This comes with a change to the certs used, which will cause a restart of the etcds. (gardener/gardener#5741, @shreyas-s-rao)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which could have caused orphaned ServiceAccount token Secrets after the rotation of the signing key. (gardener/gardener#6063, @rfranzke)
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which might cause ServiceAccounts to still reference old static token Secrets after the rotation of the ServiceAccount signing key. (gardener/gardener#6078, @rfranzke)
  • [USER] A bug has been fixed which could allow the gardenlet performing rotation of certificate authorities or ServiceAccount signing keys even if the respective feature gates were disabled. (gardener/gardener#6079, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a bug with the renew-kubeconfig annotation for ManagedSeed resources, which caused the corresponding gardenlet to break when the annotation was set. (gardener/gardener#6069, @Diaphteiros)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug was fixed which caused current, accidental resource limit values for the loki container of the loki component, to be established as fixed limits, in place of the correct absolute limit value. (gardener/gardener#6100, @andrerun)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed which can cause the gardener-resource-manager deployment in the shoot namespaces to mount a ServiceAccount token secret from a different namespace. (gardener/gardener#6109, @rfranzke)
  • [DEVELOPER] A bug has been fixed which prevented extension controllers to register shoot webhooks only (w/o any seed webhooks). (gardener/gardener#6086, @DockToFuture)
  • [DEVELOPER] Fix a bug causing nil pointer exceptions when configuring the webhook server for local development (gardener/gardener#6087, @kon-angelo)
  • [DEPENDENCY] The generic Worker actuator now scales up machine-controller-manager Deployment when Shoot is hibernating (or waking up) and machine-controller-manager Deployment is already scaled down by external actor (dependency-watchdog). (gardener/gardener#6054, @unmarshall)

📖 Documentation

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🐛 Bug Fixes

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📰 Noteworthy

  • [OPERATOR] Multi-node etcd bootstrapping is now supported. This is an alpha feature intended for initial use and evaluation. Please do not enable this feature for your productive workloads (gardener/etcd-backup-restore#419, @abdasgupta)
    • Multi-node etcd restoration from backup buckets is not supported
    • Intended to work only with etcd-druid v0.9.x and beyond
    • Intended to work only with etcd-custom-image v3.4.13-bootstrap-4 and beyond
  • [OPERATOR] An initial-cluster field is now expected in the ETCD config (gardener/etcd-backup-restore#482, @abdasgupta)


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⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] If Spec.Replicas in ETCD CR is greater than 0 and a even number, then no statefulset for ETCD nodes will be created and so the ETCD cluster won't be setup by Druid (gardener/etcd-druid#314, @abdasgupta)
  • [OPERATOR] Introduced separate TLS config for client and peer communication with ETCD cluster. The previous Etcd resource field spec.etcd.tls is now deprecated and removed. (gardener/etcd-druid#314, @abdasgupta)

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed which prevented the ServiceAccount's automountServiceAccountToken field from being reconciled. (gardener/etcd-druid#316, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] A bug has been fixed that deleted member lease objects in all namespaces. With this release member lease renewals are enabled again. (gardener/etcd-druid#353, @timuthy)

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Deployed configmap programmatically as component instead of chart (gardener/etcd-druid#314, @abdasgupta)
    • configmap configures ETCD config based on the number of nodes in cluster. Number of nodes in cluster is derived from spec.Replicas of ETCD CR
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a bug where druid did not copy etcd labels to configmap (gardener/etcd-druid#343, @aaronfern)
  • [OPERATOR] Do not re-used resource limits from an existing etcd stateful set. This will cause a RESTART(!) of the etcd pod for existing clusters that currently have a resource limit set for the etcd stateful-set, but whose etcd resource does not specify a resource limit. (gardener/etcd-druid#342, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] ETCd backups can now be successfully copied between OCS buckets. (gardener/etcd-druid#330, @Wieneo)


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