github gardener/gardener v1.41.0

latest releases: v1.96.1, v1.95.3, v1.96.0...
2 years ago


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The Logging feature gate is removed, now logging is enabled/disabled/configured via the gardenlet configuration. (gardener/gardener#5337, @acumino)
  • [OPERATOR] A new field Enabled is introduced in Logging field of the gardenlet configuration to enable/disable logging. By default it is set to false. (gardener/gardener#5337, @acumino)
  • [DEPENDENCY] The default leader election of extensions has been changed from configmapsleases to leases. Please make sure, that you had at least gardener@v1.17.0 in your go.mod before upgrading to this version so that it has successfully acquired leadership with the hybrid resource lock (configmapsleases) at least once. (gardener/gardener#5456, @acumino)
  • [DEPENDENCY] The controllercmd.LogErrAndExit and controller.*EventLogger helper functions have been dropped in favor of proper error handling and structured logging, as their usage was not aligned with our logging guideline. (gardener/gardener#5442, @timebertt)

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] The kube-apiserver's Prometheus metrics have been extended with some metrics that describe the costs of handling LIST requests. They are as follows. (gardener/gardener#5445, @acumino)
    • apiserver_cache_list_total: Counter of LIST requests served from watch cache, broken down by resource_prefix and index_name
    • apiserver_cache_list_fetched_objects_total: Counter of objects read from watch cache in the course of serving a LIST request, broken down by resource_prefix and index_name
    • apiserver_cache_list_evaluated_objects_total: Counter of objects tested in the course of serving a LIST request from watch cache, broken down by resource_prefix
    • apiserver_cache_list_returned_objects_total: Counter of objects returned for a LIST request from watch cache, broken down by resource_prefix
    • apiserver_storage_list_total: Counter of LIST requests served from etcd, broken down by resource
    • apiserver_storage_list_fetched_objects_total: Counter of objects read from etcd in the course of serving a LIST request, broken down by resource
    • apiserver_storage_list_evaluated_objects_total: Counter of objects tested in the course of serving a LIST request from etcd, broken down by resource
    • apiserver_storage_list_returned_objects_total: Counter of objects returned for a LIST request from etcd, broken down by resource
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener API Server now supports configuration for enabling service account token volume projection. It is exposed through the section in the respective chart's values. (gardener/gardener#5431, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure a user instead of a serviceaccount subject in the clusterrolebinding for the Gardener API Server when using virtual garden setup by setting (gardener/gardener#5431, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener Scheduler now supports configuration for enabling service account token volume projection. It is exposed through the section in the respective chart's values. (gardener/gardener#5430, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure a user instead of a serviceaccount subject in the clusterrolebinding for the Gardener Scheduler when using virtual garden setup by setting (gardener/gardener#5430, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener Controller Manager now supports configuration for enabling service account token volume projection. It is exposed through the section in the respective chart's values. (gardener/gardener#5429, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure a user instead of a serviceaccount subject in the clusterrolebinding for the Gardener Controller Manager when using virtual garden setup by setting (gardener/gardener#5429, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] The unused static ServiceAccount tokens for the controllers part of kube-controller-manager in the kube-system namespace of shoot clusters are now invalidated. Note that the tokens for the {node,route,service} controllers will only be invalidated for Kubernetes 1.21+ clusters since the cloud-controller-managers of prior versions still rely on them. (gardener/gardener#5422, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener Admission Controller now supports configuration for enabling service account token volume projection. It is exposed through the section in the respective chart's values. (gardener/gardener#5386, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [OPERATOR] It is now possible to configure a user instead of a serviceaccount subject in the clusterrolebinding for the Gardener Admission Controller when using virtual garden setup by setting (gardener/gardener#5386, @dimityrmirchev)
  • [DEVELOPER] A new logcheck tool has been added: it aims at making logs across Gardener components more consistent and help detect programmer-level errors early on. Read more about it in the tool's documentation. (gardener/gardener#5442, @timebertt)
  • [DEVELOPER] Functions RESTConfigFromKubeconfig and RESTConfigFromClientConnectionConfiguration in package /pkg/client/kubernetes now support an allowedFields parameter which can be used to allow additional fields in the kubeconfig when creating clients. (gardener/gardener#5386, @dimityrmirchev)

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🏃 Others

📰 Noteworthy

  • [DEVELOPER] A new document has been added describing the development tasks for supporting a new minor Kubernetes version. (gardener/gardener#5461, @rfranzke)

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