github gardener/gardener v1.18.0

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3 years ago


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The gardener-admission-controller configuration API and http endpoints were changed in several aspects: (#3577, @timebertt)
    • the fields server.https.tls.server{Cert,Key}Path have been removed in favor of server.https.tls.serverCertDir (the cert directory is expected to contain a tls.crt and tls.key file)
    • metrics and health endpoints are now exposed as plain HTTP endpoints on dedicated ports (configurable via server.{healthProbes,metrics}.port
    • the gardener-admission-controller service included in Gardener's helm chart has a new named port (metrics) for exposing the metrics endpoint
    • If you deploy this component/configuration manually, please adapt your usage accordingly. Gardener's helm charts were adapted to the changes.
  • [OPERATOR] The .controllers.shootedSeedRegistration field has been removed from the GardenletConfiguration in favor of the newly introduced ManagedSeed controller (configurable via .controllers.managedSeed). Please adapt your Gardenlet Helm chart values and/or example Gardenlet configuration files. (#3418, @stoyanr)
  • [DEVELOPER] Semantics of controllerutils.{EnsureFinalizer,RemoveFinalizer} were changed. Both funcs now use PATCH requests instead of UPDATE and RemoveFinalizer expects an additional client.Reader for reading from the API server. (#3641, @timebertt)
    • Please use controllerutils.{PatchFinalizers,PatchRemoveFinalizers} preferably were applicable, if your controller is able to tolerate conflict errors tolerated by stale reads.
  • [DEVELOPER] The .controllers.shootedSeedRegistration field has been removed from the GardenletConfiguration in favor of the newly introduced ManagedSeed controller (configurable via .controllers.managedSeed). Please run make dev-setup or manually copy example/20-componentconfig-gardenlet.yaml over your old configuration file. (#3418, @stoyanr)
  • [DEPENDENCY] Semantics of controllerutils.{EnsureFinalizer,RemoveFinalizer} were changed. Both funcs now use PATCH requests instead of UPDATE and RemoveFinalizer expects an additional client.Reader for reading from the API server. (#3641, @timebertt)
    • extensioncontroller.{EnsureFinalizer,DeleteFinalizer} have been removed in favor of the funcs in controllerutils.
    • controllerutils.PatchFinalizers was renamed to PatchAddFinalizers.
  • [DEPENDENCY] The mocks for Gardener packages were moved to dedicated folders in the respective package directories, i.e., if there is package foo in ./pkg/path/to/foo then the mock would be in pkg/path/to/foo/mock instead of ./pkg/mock/gardener/path/to/foo. Only the mocks for third-party/vendored packages remain in ./pkg/mock. (#3640, @rfranzke)
  • [DEPENDENCY] The already deprecated packages and are now removed. (#3626, @ialidzhikov)

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] It is now configurable for which shoot purposes the BackupEntry deletion grace period applies. An empty list (default) means that it applies for all shoot purposes (as it was earlier). If you want to only select specific purposes then please configure .controllers.backupEntry.deletionGracePeriodShootPurposes[] in the gardenlet's component configuration. (#3637, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] CoreDNS deployment of shoot clusters can now be automatically restarted during the shoot's maintenance time window. This is used to solve problems with clients stuck to single replica of the deployment and thus overloading it. The feature can be enabled via the ControllerManagerConfiguration under .controllers.shootMaintecance.enableShootCoreAddonRestarter (see example/20-componentconfig-gardener-controller-manager.yaml). (#3596, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] An additional change detection mechanism for the file is now used to ensure the file is up-to-date even after VM reboot. (#3583, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] A new Seed reconciler was added to the Gardener-Controller-Manager. It creates a dedicated namespace per seed in the Garden cluster seed-<seed-name> and copies common secrets from the garden Namespace (labelled with to the seed namespace. Gardenlets are supposed to read secrets (or namespaced objects in general) from seed dedicated namespaces only in the future. (#3582, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-admission-controller now exposes several metrics about its webhooks (e.g. controller_runtime_webhook_latency_seconds_bucket, controller_runtime_webhook_requests_in_flight and controller_runtime_webhook_requests_total) (#3577, @timebertt)
    • The metric gardener_admission_controller_invalid_webhook_requests_total was removed in favor of the newly added metrics.
  • [OPERATOR] Seed resources now have a new condition type BackupBucketsReady that is added when the corresponding seed has a backup configuration or related BackupBuckets. Seeds whose BackupBucketsReady condition is status: "False" are considered NotReady and thus are excluded from scheduling during that time. (#3531, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] A new ManagedSeed resource and its corresponding controller have been added and the existing shooted seed registration controller has been reworked to use them. (#3418, @stoyanr)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [USER] A potential nil pointer exception in the Shoot validation (leading to 503 responses from gardener-apiserver) when validating PID reservations (e.g., in kubeReserved or systemReserved) has been fixed. (#3632, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed nil pointer exception that occurs when there are still extension resources in the Seed, but the Cluster resource has been deleted. (#3622, @plkokanov)
  • [OPERATOR] Fix a bug where cloud-config-downloder systemd service is set to Failed with status start-limit-hit if it is requested to be restarted via the node annotation (#3593, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed an issue with enabling KonnectivtyTunnel via annotation ( "false") on APIServerSNI-enabled Seed cluster causing the tunnel to not be opened. (#3586, @mvladev)
  • [OPERATOR] An issue causing gardener-controller-manager to not be able to delete a Plant when the Plant Secret is not found is now fixed. (#3584, @ialidzhikov)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-controller-manager now waits for a project's namespace to be empty before continuing with releasing the namespace and deleting the project. (#3578, @timebertt)

🏃 Others

  • [USER] The external DNS record for the kubernetes API server is now deleted after the kubernetes API server. This is useful for shoot cluster owners that need to clean some kubernetes resources that can cause the shoot cluster deletion to stuck. (#3576, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] A new error code for retryable configuration problems (for example misconfigured PodDisruptoinBudget that does not allow voluntary Pod evictions) is now added. (#3665, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] istiod is now scaled automatically by VerticalPodAutoscaler instead of HorizontalPodAutoscaler. This fixes OOMKilled issues on big Seed clusters. (#3613, @mvladev)
  • [OPERATOR] Gardener now deploys the Cluster-Autoscaler earlier during the shoot creation which enables self healing for creation failures due to over-provisioned small machines. (#3612, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] Node exporter provides the metric node_uname_info (#3587, @dschmo)
  • [OPERATOR] gardener-admission-controller's webhooks now also accept reviews in version admission/v1. Also, webhook timeouts have been lowered to 10s. (#3577, @timebertt)
  • [OPERATOR] Use PATCH to update the extensions' state and relevant resource data to the ShootState. (#3550, @plkokanov)

📰 Noteworthy

  • [USER] When a shoot is erroring with ERR_INFRA_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES, ERR_INFRA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED or ERR_INFRA_DEPENDENCIES then it is now immediately set to the Failed status (this already happens also for ERR_INFRA_UNAUTHORIZED or ERR_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM). This prevents Gardener from automatically retrying the operation. If you are hit by it, please manually retry the operation once you have resolved the issue. (#3669, @rfranzke)
  • [USER] When a shoot is erroring with ERR_INFRA_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES, ERR_INFRA_QUOTA_EXCEEDED or ERR_INFRA_DEPENDENCIES then it is now immediately set to the Failed status (this already happens also for ERR_INFRA_UNAUTHORIZED or ERR_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM). This prevents Gardener from automatically retrying the operation. If you are hit by it, please manually retry the operation once you have resolved the issue. (#3662, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] Starting with Gardener v1.18, the annotation is deprecated. The new ManagedSeed resource should be used instead to register shoots as seeds. (#3579, @stoyanr)
  • [DEPENDENCY] In the generic worker actuator's migration flow, the MCM finalizer of the secret that is referenced by the Worker is not removed. We have now added functionality that checks that secret and removes only the MCM finalizers if necessary. (#3560, @kris94)
  • [DEPENDENCY] The Terraformer interface has now a new function RemoveTerraformerFinalizerFromConfig which will remove the "terraformer" finalizer from the Secret/ConfigMap resources. (#3556, @kris94)


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] Gardener-Resource-Manager now needs permission to get, create, update and watch Lease objects named gardener-resource-manager in order to perform leader election. For a reference, please have a look at the pre-delivered Helm chart in charts/gardener-resource-manager. (gardener/gardener-resource-manager#105, @timuthy)

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] Gardener-Resource-Manager now adds latest warning events to a ManagedResource's .status.conditions in case a Kubernetes Service cannot be deleted. This allows to get more context about the underlying problem e.g., when Cloud-Controller-Manager cannot delete the backing load balancer. (gardener/gardener-resource-manager#106, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] If a ManagedResource refers to a Service object of type LoadBalancer, the Gardener Resource Manager now regularly checks if the Service has an Ingress status and contributes the result of this check to the ResourcesHealthy condition. (gardener/gardener-resource-manager#106, @timuthy)
  • [OPERATOR] With this release for all objects managed by a ManagedResource an annotation is set describing the ManagedResource that caused this object to be created. The format of the origin annotation is [cluster id:]namespace/object-name. For multi-cluster scenarios the GRM can be started with a --cluster-id options to enable the extended annotation format (see for further details). (gardener/gardener-resource-manager#89, @mandelsoft)

🐛 Bug Fixes

🏃 Others

📰 Noteworthy

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