github gardener/gardener-extension-provider-openstack v1.7.0

latest releases: v1.41.0, v1.40.1, v1.40.0...
4 years ago



  • [OPERATOR] ClusterRoles for the machine-controller-manager that might be orphaned now as they created with an earlier, buggy version of this controller are now cleaned up during startup. (#82, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] added optional domain field to floatingpools in the cloud profile constraints (#76, @MartinWeindel)
  • [OPERATOR] If a floating pool in the cloud profile defines no load balancer class named "default", the first one is used as default. (#74, @MartinWeindel)
  • [OPERATOR] The pre-defined ValidatingWebhookConfiguration assets now set sideEffects=None. This enables dry-run related operations, like kubectl diff, for resources. (#70, @timuthy)



  • [USER] The generic Worker actuator does now exit its reconciliation flows early if it detects an error during the machine reconciliation. This allows to faster propagate problems to the end-user. (gardener/gardener#2348, @rfranzke)
  • [USER] The extension health check library does now allow individual health checks to return the Progressing status. This allows to provide more accurate status information and less false negative health reports. (gardener/gardener#2289, @rfranzke)
  • [OPERATOR] The Gardenlet sets an additional annotation to Extension CRDs during reconciliation to guarantee an update event for the watching clients. (gardener/gardener#2290, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixes a bug in the extension libraries that could lead to duplicate reconciliation of extension resources. When respecting the operation annotation set by the Gardenlet during reconciliation, extension controllers now only watch the Extension CRD. (gardener/gardener#2290, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixes a bug in the extension library of all extension resources that lead to not stopping the reconciliation of extension resources when the Shoot is in 'failed' state (Shoot.Status.lastOperation.state = Failed). (gardener/gardener#2279, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a bug in the health check library that leads to too many health checks being executed when the Extension.Status changes. (gardener/gardener#2307, @danielfoehrKn)
  • [OPERATOR] Fixed the health check condition.lastTransitionTime in the health check library. (gardener/gardener#2307, @danielfoehrKn)



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