github gardener/gardener-extension-provider-openstack v1.16.0

latest releases: v1.39.2, v1.39.1, v1.39.0...
3 years ago


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [OPERATOR] The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration of the Openstack admission controller has been changed from version v1beta1 to v1. Please make sure to deploy the admission controller only to clusters with a Kubernetes version >= 1.16 (#210, @timuthy)

✨ New Features

  • [OPERATOR] The secrets and configmaps used by the terraformer now have an owner reference to the Infrastructure resource. (#206, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] The OpenStack extension now uses a new terraformer image only including the OpenStack terraform provider plugin (v2.1.0). (#203, @timebertt)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] The validator does now only validate the .spec.provider.{infrastructure,controlPlane}Config values of a Shoot against the constraints in the CloudProfile if the values were changed during a Shoot update. (#204, @rfranzke)

📖 Documentation

  • [USER] Allow updating server group settings on existing worker groups. (#212, @kon-angelo)

🏃 Others

  • [USER] provider-openstack is now using cinder-csi-plugin@v1.20 for Kubernetes >= 1.20 clusters. (#205, @ialidzhikov)
  • [OPERATOR] provider-openstack is now using openstack cloud-controller-manager@v1.20 for Kubernetes >= 1.20 clusters. (#208, @ialidzhikov)
  • [OPERATOR] Alpine base image has been updated to 3.12.3. (#206, @vpnachev)
  • [OPERATOR] provider-openstack is now using openstack cloud-controller-manager@v1.19 for Kubernetes >= 1.19 clusters. (#199, @ialidzhikov)


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [DEVELOPER] machine-controller-manager now checks for misconfigured PodDisruptionBudgets (ones that require zero voluntary evictions and make impossible the graceful Node drain) and sets better Machine .status.lastOperation.description for such Machines. This change is breaking as out-of-tree providers need new RBAC permissions - list and watch access for PodDisruptionBudgets in the target cluster. (gardener/machine-controller-manager#591, @ialidzhikov)

🏃 Others


🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] The configmaps and secrets used to contain terraform configuration, state and variables are now protected with a finalizer against accidental deletion. (gardener/terraformer#65, @vpnachev)

Docker Images


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