github gardener/gardener-extension-networking-cilium v1.5.0

latest releases: v1.36.0, v1.35.0, v1.34.0...
3 years ago


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] Extension resource configs (NetworkConfig) are now deserialized in "strict" mode. This means that deserializing resources with fields that are not allowed by the API schema will result in errors. Shoots containing such resources will fail with an appropriate error until you manually update the shoot to make sure any extension resource configs contained in it are valid. (#40, @stoyanr)

🏃 Others

  • [OPERATOR] Update cilium to v1.9.5, which includes many bugfixes. (#39, @DockToFuture)
  • [OPERATOR] Cilium is updated to v.1.9.4. The ipam mode is switched from legacy hostscope mode which is removed to cluter-pool ipam mode. (#38, @DockToFuture)
  • [OPERATOR] Vendor to gardener v1.16.0 and update controller runtime to v0.7.1 (#37, @DockToFuture)

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