github gardener/dashboard 1.59.0

latest releases: 1.74.1, 1.74.0, 1.73.1...
22 months ago


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • [USER] The feature to rotate the service account secrets was removed. Instead you now have to delete the service account if you want to invalidate all tokens that were issued for your service account (gardener/dashboard#1234, @petersutter)
  • [USER] Downloaded kubeconfigs for service accounts on the project Members page now have tokens that will expire by default in 90 days, except if the kube-apiserver is configured with a shorter maximum validity duration or the dashboard's default was changed by your landscape administrator (gardener/dashboard#1234, @petersutter)
  • [OPERATOR] This Dashboard version is not compatible with Gardener versions prior v1.48.x (gardener/dashboard#1216, @petersutter)
  • [OPERATOR] Downloaded kubeconfigs for service accounts on the project Members page have tokens that will expire by default in 90 days, except the kube-apiserver is configured with a shorter maximum validity duration (--service-account-max-token-expiration). (gardener/dashboard#1234, @petersutter)
    • You can change the default token expiration with .frontendConfig.serviceAccountDefaultTokenExpiration in the values.yaml file of the gardener-dashboard chart
    • You can change the list of the intended audiences of the service account token with .tokenRequestAudiences in the values.yaml file of the gardener-dashboard chart

✨ New Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • [OPERATOR] Fixed a bug that caused seeds with empty label section not to be mapped to cloud profiles with empty matchLabels (gardener/dashboard#1236, @grolu)

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