github gardener/dashboard 1.33.0

latest releases: 1.74.1, 1.74.0, 1.73.1...
4 years ago


Action Required

  • [OPERATOR] ⚠️ This Dashboard version is not compatible with Gardener versions prior 0.25.x (#405, @petersutter)

Most notable changes

  • [USER] Monitoring: You can now access Grafana dashboards of your cluster's control plane (#413, @wyb1)
  • [OPERATOR] The configuration value cookieMaxAge in the dashboard helm chart is not used anymore and has been removed (#414, @holgerkoser)


  • [USER] Your session does not expire after 30 minutes (#414, @holgerkoser)
  • [USER] If your token is expired you will be automatically redirected to the login page (#414, @holgerkoser)
  • [OPERATOR] You can now display the status.technicalID value of a Shoot in the cluster list (new column; hidden by default) and on the cluster details page (#411, @petersutter)
  • [OPERATOR] The grafana url changed to g-operators.<shoot-name>.<project-name>.<ingress-url-of-seed-cluster> (#405, @petersutter)
  • [OPERATOR] The dashboard helm chart can now be configured to not deploy the tls secret. Furthermore, the name of that secret can be configured by overwriting tlsSecretName in the values file. (#402, @Diaphteiros)

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