github gardener/dashboard 1.31.0

latest releases: 1.74.2, 1.75.1, 1.75.0...
5 years ago


Action Required

  • [OPERATOR] Please set the helm configuration value frontendConfig.seedCandidateDeterminationStrategy according to Gardener's ShoootSeedManager Admission Controller's candidateDeterminationStrategy configuration (#370, @grolu)
  • [OPERATOR] ⚠️ This Dashboard version is not compatible with Gardener versions prior 0.20.2 (#349, @petersutter)

Most notable changes

  • [USER] When creating clusters you can now select regions from two categories (#370, @grolu)
    • Recommended Regions: API servers in same region as your workers (optimal if you require a low latency)
    • [NEW] Supported Regions: API servers in another region than your workers (expect a somewhat higher latency)


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