github gabrielsoltz/metahub v1.4.1
1.4.1: Not found resources handled and new MetaChecks

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11 months ago

This release adds new MetaChecks for resource types AwsKmsKey and AwsSecretsManagerSecret and now handles not found for any resource type avoiding metachecks from being executed when the resources are not present.


  • New MetaCheck and MetaTrails for the resource type: AwsKmsKey
  • New MetaCheck and MetaTrails for the resource type: AwsSecretsManagerSecret
  • MetaCheck is_public removed from AwsEc2NetworkAcl as it's not an effective check
  • MetaCheck it_has_name and it_has_subscriptions_confirmed for resource type AwsSnsTopic
  • When a resource is not found, MetaChecks answers False

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