github gabrielsoltz/metahub v1.3.0
1.3.0: Multiple input files, AWS profiles and more!

latest releases: v2.5.0, v2.4.3, v2.4.2...
12 months ago

This new release improves usability and code quality, bug fixing, and introduces a lot of new features:

  • You can now combine multiple ASFF files as inputs and process them all together, such as using different scanner sources or in addition to AWS Security Hub.
  • HTML reports have been improved to allow filtering by MetaChecks.
  • New drilled MetaChecks for AwsEc2Volume have been added.
  • You can now use --sh-profile to connect to Security Hub using an AWS profile (before it was only posible using your environment or assuming roles --sh-assume-role)
  • MetaAccount checks are now optional using --meta-account.
  • You can interrupt the execution of MetaHub before it finishes and obtain partial results.
  • The --outputs option is deprecated. You can now use --output-modes to manage all output modes, including different types of JSON. All output modes are enabled by default to allow analyzing the results in different ways.
  • When using the --list-findings option, you can now select the type of listing, such as short, full, inventory, or statistics.
  • Some rich statistics have been added to the CLI!

Happy hunting!

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