github fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge v1.3.0

latest releases: v2.9.0, v2.8.0, v2.7.1...
3 years ago
  • Support more types of the formVec<primitive_type> and ZeroCopyBuffer<Vec<primitive_type>>, such as Vec<f32> and ZeroCopyBuffer<Vec<f32>> to be transformed into Float32List in Dart. (#162, #153)
  • Do not generate unnecessary Dart to Rust wire code to fix bugs such as when Vec<ZeroCopyBuffer<Vec<u8>>> is in output argument.
  • Warn when ffigen emits any [SEVERE] log messages.
  • Make outputs change less when input of codegen changes.
  • Simplify Wire2Api<Option<T>> generated code.

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