github fyne-io/fyne v2.3.4
Memory usage improvements and reducing CPU for item moves

latest releases: v2.4.5, v2.4.5-rc1, v2.4.4...
14 months ago

Lots of memory reductions in this release, mostly around text and theme switching.
Also the internal implementation of a "repaint" when objects move which means we can redraw the canvas using existing caches, saving CPU time on many frames.

Thanks very much to the many contributors who helped to create this fix list:

  • Memory leak when switching theme (#3640)
  • Systray MenuItem separators not rendered in macOS root menu (#3759)
  • Systray leaks window handles on Windows (#3760)
  • RadioGroup miscalculates label widths in horizontal mode (#3386)
  • Start of selection in entry is shifted when moving too fast (#3804)
  • Performance issue in widget.List (#3816)
  • Moving canvas items (e.g. Images) does not cause canvas repaint (#2205)
  • Minor graphic glitch with checkbox (#3792)
  • VBox and HBox using heap memory that was not required
  • Menu hover is slow on long menus

As ever please do let us know if you find any issues. We are now focused on the v2.4.0 release which we will deliver around the middle of this year.

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