github fsprojects/Paket 0.23.0

latest releases: 8.1.0-alpha004, 8.1.0-alpha003, 8.1.0-alpha002...
9 years ago

Refactored init & init auto restore to Railway Oriented Programming - #533
Refactored FindRefs to Railway Oriented Programming - #529
BUGFIX: paket.bootstrapper.exe and paket.exe use better proxy detection - #552
BUGFIX: paket add offered to add dependencies even when they are already added - #550
BUGFIX: Detect Net20-client - #547
BUGFIX: Give better error message when package is not found in a local feed - #545
BUGFIX: Don't download gists that are up-to-date - #513
BUGFIX: fix parsing of longer http links - #536
BUGFIX: Detect correct paket.references filenames during convert-from-nuget
BUGFIX: If no package source is found during convert-from-nuget we use the default NuGet feed
COSMETICS: Config file is only saved when needed
COSMETICS: Ignore completely empty lib folders
COSMETICS: paket convert-from-nuget warns if it can't find a NuGet feed - #548
COSMETICS: Remove icon from bootstrapper to make file size much smaller

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