github fsprojects/Paket 0.18.0

latest releases: 8.1.0-alpha004, 8.1.0-alpha003, 8.1.0-alpha002...
9 years ago

Show command help on --help - #437
Allow to opt in to BindingRedirects - #436
Don't run simplify in strict mode - #443
Allow to remove NuGet packages in interactive mode - #432
Added auto-unzip of downloaded archives - #430
Allow to reference binary files via http reference - #427
Faster BindingRedirects - #414
Using a different FSharp.Core NuGet package - #416
Find the paket.references file in upper directories - #409
Allow paket.references files in upper directories - #403
Clear failure message for paket simplify, when lock file is outdated - #403
BUGFIX: Selective update updates only dependent packages - #410
BUGFIX: If there are only prereleases we should just take these
BUGFIX: paket update nuget <name> fails if was not found in lockfile - #404
BUGFIX: Unescape library filename - #412
BUGFIX: Allow to reference multiple files from same repository directory - #445
BUGFIX: Don't reference satellite assemblies - #444
BUGFIX: Binding redirect version is picked from highest library version - #422
BUGFIX: Handle numeric part of PreRelease identifiers correctly - #426
BUGFIX: Fixed casing issue in selective update - #434
BUGFIX: Parse http links from lockfile
BUGFIX: Calculate dependencies file name for http resources - #428

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