github freqtrade/freqtrade 2020.3

latest releases: 2024.3, 2024.2, 2024.1...
4 years ago

Highlighted changes

  • Use Coingecko instead of coinmarketcap as FIAT provider
  • The hyperopt-list subcommand can now export data in the CSV format. Use the new --export-csv option for this.
  • Improved Configuration parse error handling, inluding trying to highlight the erroneous section of the configuration
  • profit_close_abs column added to the database (allows simpler analysis)
  • The plot-dataframe subcommand does not require a trades file (usefull for developing a strategy visually). Trades can also be skipped by using the new --skip-trades option.
  • The plot-profit subcommand now shows the max_drawdown start and end.

How to update

As always, you can update your bot using one of the following commands:


docker pull freqtradeorg/freqtrade:master
docker-compose up -d

Installation via setup script

# Deactivate venv and run 
./ --update

Plain native installation

git pull
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Expand full changelog
da191e4a Version bump 2020.3
6f687c97 Update docs/
dfac7448 fix typo
d9a5e1cd Update docs/
be41981e Test warnings with filter always on
cb1bc5d5 Bump pandas from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
98dc4b4c Bump ccxt from 1.24.31 to 1.24.83
de91e169 Bump tabulate from 0.8.6 to 0.8.7
f4a69ba5 Bump numpy from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2
d581b7e2 Add fallback if no error could be determined
8f7e113d Add additional test
6c55b40f Add test verifying config printing
45aaa8c0 Parse and show relevant configuration section
acd40218 Update max_open_trades documentation
f14c496c Remove calc_close_profit from RPC
efd94c84 Add example notebook to gitignore again
2c434e9b Add close_proit_abs column
e30faf8c Remove partial candle documentation
942792f1 updated as suggested
3e0ffdce Adjust tests
5f9479b3 Edge import cosmetics
5e702f68 Verify cancel_order returnvalue is a dictionary
ecf3a3e0 Add test validating different return values
3e1bef88 Fix flake8 error
0920d6fc Update freqtrade/data/
05250ba6 Update docs/
4f46fb9b Add template and jupyter files to release
62d44925 Bump mypy from 0.761 to 0.770
7a7530d5 Bump sqlalchemy from 1.3.13 to 1.3.15
3eee0c43 Bump pytest from 5.3.5 to 5.4.1
8cfff40f Bump plotly from 4.5.3 to 4.5.4
0b341757 Bump ccxt from 1.23.81 to 1.24.31
e8a92cb3 Bump pandas from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
06198c00 Missed
8c33e07d Update based on comments
3d4664c2 Remove unnecessary import
e1b08ad7 Add docstring to store_backtest_result
fe50a0f3 Move test for store_bt_results to optimize_reports
e95665ce Make backtestresult storing independent from printing
a13d5816 Move backtest-result visualization out of backtesting class
6106d59e Move store_backtest_results to optimize_reports
328dbd39 Remove unnecessary parameter to generate_text_table_sell_reason
0f1640be convert exportfilename to Path when config parsing
2c0980aa Tests
cf7e80f4 Docs and logging
27faf12f Fix if no file exists
308d8fe2 Remove deprecation warnings due to date conversion
c56cbc21 Remove indexing warning in edge
59fadabb Fix merging
a7ed51c6 return back the name of the hyperopt data file
ddfe5b5f dataframe -> df_analyzed in plotting
b2952cd4 remove redundant dict
ebb0187f dataframe -> df_analyzed in backtesting and edge
6f67b8d9 iCheck after clean_dataframe, too
129a88d5 Extract emptyness check to it's own method
2b1c1469 Add default volume > 0 filter
73c19da4 Adjust handling of zero stdev in loss functions
1b6e7764 Add test for hyperopt
81b6a950 Adjust test for backtesting
f7ad6c20 Do not allow unlimited stake_amount for hyperopt
a046c482 Apply suggestions from code review
f148b5f7 cosmetics in lambdas
42038da7 Update docs/
bd158eef Fixed loggin
2f5fc731 Removed overwrite option
3eaae466 check again for emptiness after trimming dataframe
e0afbcd4 Additional warning about order_book-max
74a17c7b Clarify warning in the documentation
5da63d39 Reduce default order_book_max to 1
856ba203 Update hyperopt samples docstring
c0496517 whitelist_for_active_markets should not remove blacklisted items
5cbf325f Allow different loglevels for message
4cc0d3db Bump plotly from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3
23127b8d Bump scikit-learn from 0.22.2 to 0.22.2.post1
46763e14 Bump prompt-toolkit from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
09c25faa Bump ccxt from 1.23.30 to 1.23.81
c7b2f173 Bump wrapt from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1
cb419614 Spelling miss
4ad93ed6 Changed output for null columns
3208faf7 Do not use ticker where it's not a ticker
281cf577 Remove unsupported FIAT
d51bb9ac Update conda environment file
1b303839 Update comment
acea49be Fix tests / test mocks
df5adb6c Exchange coingekko for coinmarketcap
93fc14d7 Exchange dependencies to coingekko
78908e24 Fix travis build failure
b8d05d87 found instance of config get without default
05872567 minor create_trade() optimization
44744823 unifying get_sell_rate with get_buy_rate
f0d56e23 PEP8 fix
91db75a7 Added tests and updated doc
eee57274 Adjust webhook docs
7a3660cd Adjust webhook tests
97b194a4 Throttle may take longer than .10s on slow machines
7606d814 Initial work on csv-file export. Missing docs and tests
090d1e8a Alignment and cleanups
2f54aff0 Improve documentation wording for price sides
8de35e1c Documentation suggestions from Review
7652a2bb Updated table layout and aligning better for hyperopt
9d8970a7 Add test and formatting to drawdown
53dcb5d5 Fix logging expression
9bebc9ba Fix powershell comparison
720ed0ed Remove flucky test assert
d9e83cc4 Run CI on windows python 3.8
33a63562 make drawdown function less restrictive
88e7cab5 Add max_drawdown to profit plot
e050511d Add test for max_drawdown calculation
3479f7d9 Add max_drawdown function
4aca8d7f PEP8 fix
399c4191 Changed table formating. Adding some code to align hyperopt table generation. WIP
52cd5f91 Better use enumerate: more correct and more pythonic
45c94967 Do not run optimizer for 'jobs' epochs for the last iteration
a7d47558 optimize calculation of current_jobs
92425642 Fix config_jobs
0e4862b0 Added logging if argument is miss-configured
7713cfeb Corrected logic for -j + and - argument
6e2290c4 Allow last to be empty -
a17f3fb8 Bump plotly from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2
485075b8 Bump scikit-learn from 0.22.1 to 0.22.2
e204e327 Bump ccxt from 1.22.95 to 1.23.30
77b7f95e simple code styling fixes
f08c7eed Changed jobs to be dynamic for last loop
75b4f1a4 Fix alignment of higher values
379275e2 Updated tests
267416ec Changed test for new table printing
e89fd332 Fix for more arguments
7a4edb1c Fix: When total epochs is less than cpu cores
23ae0653 Changed table output to match hyperopt-list command
60f04cff Simplify expression
18d724f7 Adjust wording of supported exchanges
d7373be5 Add official support for Kraken
4c39f360 Add note about InvalidNonce to documentation
848054d1 Fix jupyter notebook example -
f25adf3b improve and correct release documentation
9336d8ee Try fix random testfailure
60579485 fix empty stake currency problem
5277d719 Add test for empty stake-currency
349aa2f9 Added dynamic print table function to hyperopt
bee8e92f Final changes, use sqrt i.o. statistics.pstdev
e411717d No percent where ratio is to be used
a55964a6 we Must parse --dry-run before setting run-mode
5a02026f Add test validating behaviour
15e59654 Minor change to standardize table style. This PR will target commands.
e5a9c814 Add 0 entry to enhanced ROI example
55d47119 Changed table style of backtesting and alignment of headers
bbb438bd Bump python from 3.8.1-slim-buster to 3.8.2-slim-buster
e5ec9749 Logging should be initialized first
b6839289 Add price_side to sample config files
0fea3a7e Some final polish to configurable_side
3c5e716d Update some documentation regarding price_side
8edc3eb5 Use generator to generate sell price scaffold testing
e1cb6f4a fix and improve tests in test_freqtradebot
e7b98913 Adapt rpc tests to corrected price side
e4b29491 Change buy_rate calculation to use price_side
5f712320 Refactor get_buy_rate to use rate variable
de48a697 Use price_side for get_sell_rate
f91d7bea Fix constants wrong parenteses
f38accb7 Return empty string if no quote / base currency can be found
4e218be5 Don't use markets[pair]['quote']
1021ffa1 Apply suggestions from code review
1e869b86 Update checkout aciton to v2
af4469f0 Convert to str to avoid errors
df49b98c Implement wording-changes
ce2e039e Update docs/
76c449c0 volume_pair_list_extra_doc_infos
7d7318a3 fix_wrong_order_type
cfc22577 Add timeframe_to_minutes to ROI documentation
31ac4598 Fix last occurances of pair splitting
d34515a5 Remove constraint to have pairs in base/quote format
e8eaa892 Use get_base_currency instead of splitting by /
e9448dc5 Add tsts for quote and base currency
cd7efde6 Fixed coloring so it's only targeting the values not the table borders
61037ab7 Implement get_pair_base_curr and get_pair_quote_curr
3e4f6634 Move pairlist validation to exchange (we need to use .quote) from markets
6581ba56 Use markets.quote to validate
23bf135b Alignment of table content, changed coloring, changed 'Best' column to show if it's initial_point or best
7eb62ed3 Remove old print option for hyperopt-list and made table as default
09226fd5 PEP8 correction
e7b12704 Added test for details
09a1c9ee fixed docs description of hyperopts
41b4fa3b fixed two more typos
df26c357 doc updates
58554540 Changed tests
2058b492 Added function to print hyperopt-list as table using tabulate
674898bd Fix usage of vars in the commented out line
42dfda92 Adjust docstring
fbe5cc44 Use statistics.pstdev
1e84b277 Fix values of downside_returns
161dd1a3 Rename risk_free_return to minumum_accepted_return
b2328cdf Do not subtract risk_free_ratio twice
9ec9a7b1 Fix t_index to be normalized
6b279f29 fixed test
e8b9d88e moved line for total_downside
a46b7bcd more fixes...
951a19fb added tests for both sortino methods
be34dc46 fixed bad commit
9bcc5d2e fixed downside_returns to read from profit_percent_after_slippage
728ab0ff Added both SortinoHyperOptLoss and SortinoHyperOptLossDaily
b56a1f06 initial push of sortino, work not done, still  need own tests
deb0b7ad Added both SortinoHyperOptLoss and SortinoHyperOptLossDaily
44d67389 initial push of sortino, work not done, still  need own tests

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