github freescout-help-desk/freescout 1.8.133

latest releases: 1.8.145, 1.8.144, 1.8.143...
2 months ago


  • Updated Polish translation.


  • Do not mark a thread as containing attachments when only embedded images are present in the email.
  • Fixed attachments being duplicated when discarding a message forwarding draft (#3949)
  • Fixed attachments not being sent when forwarding a conversation (the issue introduced in 1.8.131 release).
  • When forwarding a conversation do not include attachments from existing in the conversation thread drafts.
  • Fixed an issue with removing attachments when replying to the conversation (the issue introduced in 1.8.131 release).
  • Fixed To field not appearing after discarding a message forwarding draft (#3950)
  • Fixed an error when new conversation draft is being discarded by another user (#3951)


  • Updates and improvements made in Webklex/php-imap library.

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