github fredrikburmester/streamyfin v0.12.0

latest releases: v0.18.0, v0.17.0, v0.16.0...
2 months ago

Here's another release with a lot of changes! I'm happy to have the amazing help of these new contributors. Please join us in the discord if you want to discuss anything or need help! We're always looking for new contributors and people to test new features.

What's Changed

New Contributors

In the works

Syncplay: I've been trying to get Syncplay to work but it's a bit difficult. There's a branch with my progress if anyone wants to take a look. Right now joining a group and playing an item works, but seeking and sending updates to the server is not implemented yet.

Quick connect: In the next release you can expect to be able to authorize logins with QC via the app.

Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v0.12.0

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