github fredlcore/BSB-LAN v5.0

one day ago
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE! Streamlined topic structure for MQTT. New strucuture adds /status for querying a parameter, /set for SETting a parameter, /inf for sending data as INF telegram and /poll to force BSB-LAN to send an update of that parameter value to the broker. If you are using MQTT auto-discovery, ideally, calling /M1 should update these changes. However, if you are using your own configurations, you'll have to make adjustments here.
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE! When using JSON settings for MQTT, previously all messages were written to the BSB-LAN/json and thus basically immediately overwritten when logging several parameters. Now this setting only determines the format (and not format and topic) of the data that is written into /status of each parameter. For auto-discovery, plain text remains the only valid choice.
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE The acknowledgement message sent by BSB-LAN to the MQTT topic has been removed. Instead, QoS for publishing messages has been set to level 1.
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE: Log configuration values have changed. However, only users that have logged to UDP are affected and will have to adjust their settings.
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE: Removed WiFiSPI support to use WiFi on the Arduino Due.
  • ATTENTION: BREAKING CHANGE: Removed the need to add #define CUSTOM_COMMANDS in order to run code as part of BSB_LAN_custom*.h. Check these files for old/unused code that might inadvertently get executed when updating to the new version. If you want to enable/disable custom code quickly, add a new variable in BSB_LAN_config.h and include that as a condition in your code.
  • ATTENTION: /JK=ALL now lists all categories of all devices in LPB systems with more than one device. Use dev_fam (device family), dev_var (device variant), dev_id (destination device ID) and dev_name (device model) elements to sort and identify which category applies to the current destination device.
  • ATTENTION Users that have a parameter with data type VT_CURRENT1000 in their BSB_LAN_custom_defs.h: Please change it to VT_CURRENT unless(!) you have BSB-LAN connected to an LMU64/LMU74 via an OCI420. Only in that case, keep the parameter's data type at VT_CURRENT1000.
  • Added new URL command /QDB - this queries BSB/LPB heating systems for device-specific parameters (for safety reasons, only read-only parameters are added) and activates these until reboot. All these parameters are in category 0, generically named "Parameters". Likewise, the name of all parameters is "Parameter". You have to identify their meaning by their parameter number.
    This is not a replacement for generating a proper device-specific parameter list as it only contains few parameter types which we know for certain how they work and no harm can be done (mostly read-only status temperatures). However, these can be helpful for heating technicians which want to monitor on the spot the behavior of a random heating system without the need to create a device-specific parameter list.
  • Added possibility to set the room setpoint temperature with MAX! thermostats. Specific variables max_cul_rf_addr, max_flags, max_group_id and max_temp_mode are pre-defined in BSB_LAN.ino but can be overwritten in BSB_LAN_config.h if necessary.
  • Added setting to only publish log parameters to MQTT. Forcing MQTT updates via /poll topic are still possible. This setting also applies to MQTT auto-discovery, i.e. only log parameters will be discovered!
  • Moved MQTT username and password configuration to basic configuration view in webinterface
  • Added state_class for non cumulative sensors in MQTT auto-discovery
  • Updated the room unit emulation in custom_functions to work with version 4.x.
  • Disabling parameters can now be done both with an empty value as well as by sending ---. Sending an empty value is still possible, but is depracated and will be removed at some later time.
  • BSB-LAN now scans the BSB/LPB bus during startup (and later periodically, if not connected to heating system) for other devices on the bus. This significantly reduces access times later on for systems with more than one device on the bus.
  • /JQ now contains "payload" which contains the raw payload data which can be useful for evaluating non-standard commands.
  • Workaround for intermittent crashes on PoE- or barrel-connector-powered Olimex microcontrollers
  • New version from new repo of PubSubClient. Hopefully with this version, disconnects will be greatly reduced.
  • Bugfix for VT_ENERGY, added new data type VT_ENERGY10 and VT_ENERGY10_N
  • Numerous bugfixes, especially for the JSON API
  • French and German translations of the manual added, special thanks to GitHub user @plauwers for this!
  • This release has been supported by the following sponsors: Sven Rutten

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