github frappe/erpnext v14.0.0
Version 14.0.0

latest releases: v15.36.1, v14.74.1, v15.36.0...
2 years ago

What's Changed

  • feat (minor): added item name in the excel sheet (#29836)
  • feat: 'customer' column and more filter to Payment terms status report (#30499)
  • feat: 'Invoice Number' field in Opening Invoice Creation Tool (#28844)
  • feat: (consistency) Add Primary Address and Contact section in Supplier (#27197)
  • feat: (get_items_from) filter material request item in purchase order (#27449)
  • feat: (Stock Reco) Ignore Empty Stock while fetching items from warehouse (#26726)
  • feat: Ability to schedule onboarding and separation activities (#26738)
  • feat: Accounts, Selling & Assets Onboarding cleanup (#27112)
  • feat: add Partly Paid status in Invoices (#27625)
  • feat: add total_billing_hours to Sales Invoice (#26783)
  • feat: Add currency in import download statement (#29050)
  • feat: add Employee Status filter in leave balance reports (#31013)
  • feat: add enabled field in UOM (#27993)
  • feat: add french address template (#26316)
  • feat: add German translations (#30265)
  • feat: Add german translations (#31102)
  • feat: add Inactive status to Employee (#26027)
  • feat: add link to leave application in leave notification (#29316)
  • feat: add Link to Opportunity (#30614)
  • feat: add provision for process loss in manufac (frontport #26151) (#27111)
  • feat: added company field in prospect (#28139)
  • feat: Added dispatch address fields in Sales Ord, Sales Inv, Delivery Note for Eway Bill (#26464)
  • feat: added QI link in Job Card Dashboard (#28643)
  • feat: added required_date field to set date in child table (#28432)
  • feat: additional doctypes access for ESS user (#29317)
  • feat: allow draft pos invoices even if no stock available (#27078)
  • feat: Allowing non stock items in POS (#29556)
  • feat: Auto accrue loan interest for backdated term loans (#31127)
  • feat: Bank Reconciliation for loan documents (#29865)
  • feat: barcode scanner promise to return scanned row. (#31018)
  • feat: barcode scanning in quotation (#30637)
  • feat: Bulk Transaction Processing (#28580)
  • feat: carry forward communication and comments throughout the sales c… (#28458)
  • feat: Cash and Non trade discounts in Sales Invoice (#31405)
  • feat: CDNR Unreg json generation (#27279)
  • feat: color and leave type in leave application calendar (#27246)
  • feat: color and leave type in leave application calendar (#27255)
  • feat: Column for total amount due in Accounts Receivable/Payable Summary (#27069)
  • feat: common party accounting (#27039)
  • feat: Competitor Tagging in Opportunity and Quotation (#28050)
  • feat: Copy task color from project template (#30857)
  • feat: Cost Center Allocation (#29536)
  • feat: create party link from customer/supplier (#28387)
  • feat: Create single PL/DN from several SO. (#30238)
  • feat: CRM Settings (#27788)
  • feat: currency exchange settings (#27318)
  • feat: Deferred Revenue and Expense report with actual and upcoming postings (#28822)
  • feat: depreciate Asset after sale (#26543)
  • feat: don't recompute taxes (#26665)
  • feat: dynamic conditions for applying SLA (#26662)
  • feat: early payment discount on sales & purchase orders (#29101)
  • feat: Employee Grievance (#25705)
  • feat: Employee Grievance (#25705) (#26162)
  • feat: employee initial work history updated when transfer is performed (#27768)
  • feat: Employee reminders (#25735)
  • feat: Employee reminders (#27115)
  • feat: Enable discount accounting (#26359)
  • feat: enable track changes for leave type (#26917)
  • feat: Exchange rate difference handling in procurement cycle (#25970)
  • feat: Fetch Payment Terms from linked Sales/Purchase Order (#26397)
  • feat: fetching details from supplier/customer groups (#26131)
  • feat: fetching of qty as per received qty from PR to PI (#25837)
  • feat: Full and Final Settlement and Gratuity Fix (#26364)
  • feat: Grant commission on certain items only (#27467)
  • feat: Handle Asset on Issuing Credit Note (#26159)
  • feat: Home Onboarding (#28551)
  • feat: HSN based tax breakup table check in GST Settings (#27907)
  • feat: Ignore permlevel for specific fields (#30686)
  • feat: Improve Product Bundle handling (#27124)
  • feat: Include child item group products in Item Group Page & cleanup (#30091)
  • feat: Income tax computation Report (#29963)
  • feat: Increase number of supported currency exchanges (#26237)
  • feat: item-wise negative stock setting (#29761)
  • feat: Item-wise provisional accounting for service items (#30675)
  • feat: ledger merger (#28812)
  • feat: Let serialised Items be consumed during Asset Repairs (#28349)
  • feat: LIFO valuation (#29296)
  • feat: link items to supplier / customer (#27281)
  • feat: live preview of naming series on naming series tool (#31141)
  • feat: Make Depreciation Entry posting more flexible (#28421)
  • feat: Manufacturing : in BOM Operation time can be fix #27062 (#27063)
  • feat: Merge POS invoices based on customer group (#27471)
  • feat: minor enhancements in Employee Promotion (#30780)
  • feat: minor, pick list item reference on delivery note item table (#30527)
  • feat: multi-currency in Opportunity (#26590)
  • feat: new column 'Time taken to Deliver' in sales order analysis (#28842)
  • feat: option to disable Item Tax Template and Tax Category (#29349)
  • feat: option to set the width for the multi-select dialog box (#27851)
  • feat: Optionally allow rejected quality inspection on submission (#26421)
  • feat: Organizational Chart (#26893)
  • feat: over transfer allowance for material transfers (#26264)
  • feat: Payment reconciliation on accounts module workspace (#25925)
  • feat: Payment Terms Status report (#29137)
  • feat: Pos invoice coupon code feature (#27004)
  • feat: Project Portal Enhancements (#26090)
  • feat: provision to add scrap item in job card (#27483)
  • feat: Provision to aggregate subassembly items in production plan (#28939)
  • feat: Provision to assign multiple payroll cost centers against a single employee (#29024)
  • feat: provision to close the Work Order (#28150)
  • feat: provision to create customer from opportunity (#27141)
  • feat: provision to exclude exploded items in the BOM (#29450)
  • feat: provision to have limited parameters for in-process quality ins… (#28549)
  • feat: provision to make subcontracted purchase order from the production plan (#26240) (#26514)
  • feat: Provisional accounting for expenses (#29451)
  • feat: purchase grouped asset (#29334)
  • feat: re-arrange company doctype fields (#27091)
  • feat: Receivable/Payable Account column and filter in AR/AP report (#30493)
  • feat: Redisearch with consent (#30522)
  • feat: Refund entry against loans (#29460)
  • feat: remove website from bank account (#30900)
  • feat: report to see the consumed materials against the work order (#28500)
  • feat: request_for_quotation - show supplier name (#30818)
  • feat: Scheduling Multiple shifts and Auto Attendance (#29955)
  • feat: Scheduling Multiple shifts and Auto Attendance (#30588)
  • feat: select multiple values for accounting dimension (#31015)
  • feat: separate discount accounting for buying and selling (#30642)
  • feat: show stock value difference on Stock Ledger report (#29607)
  • feat: show title when linking Taxes and Charges Template (#31038)
  • feat: Show Zero Values filter in consolidated financial statement (#28636)
  • feat: Splitting group assets (#29350)
  • feat: subcontract code refactor and enhancement (#26119)
  • feat: subcontracting module (#30955)
  • feat: support product bundles in picklist (#30762)
  • feat: Tab views in Stocks and Accounts Settings (#29638)
  • feat: Tax Detail Report (#25254)
  • feat: Tax for recurring additional salary (#27459)
  • feat: Taxes template for selling/buying doctypes (#28048)
  • feat: Taxjar Integration update (#27143)
  • feat: TDS deduction using journal entry and other fixes (#27451)
  • feat: Tracking Multi-round interview (#25482)
  • feat: Tracking Multi-round interview (backport #25482) (#27724)
  • feat: Training Event Status Update and Validations (#26698)
  • feat: two new groupby mode on gross profit: Monthly, Payment Term (#31198)
  • feat: unreconcile on cancellation of bank transaction (#27109)
  • feat: UOM specific barcodes (#30988)
  • feat: update de.csv (#29037)
  • feat: update ordered qty for packed items (#29939)
  • feat: Validity dates in Tax Withholding Rates (#27258)
  • feat(buying): quotation number in supplier quotation (#28420)
  • feat(CRM): Prospect to group Leads (#27102)
  • feat(CRM): Sales Pipeline Analytics Report and Opportunity Summary by Sales Stage Report (#26639)
  • feat(e-invoicing): dispatch address (#28084)
  • feat(Employee Advance): add 'Returned' and 'Partly Claimed and Returned' status (#29335)
  • feat(German Translation)!: translate "Party" as "Partei" (#30901)
  • feat(healthcare): Added Treatment Plan Template feature (#26557)
  • feat(Healthcare): Capacity for Service Unit, concurrent appointments based on capacity, Patient Appointments (#27219)
  • feat(HR): Exit Interview and Employee Exits Report (#28741)
  • feat(HR): Leave Type configuration to allow over allocation (#30940)
  • feat(India): Bootstrapped GST Setup (#26473)
  • feat(india): Check E-way Bill Status before Cancellation. (#31088)
  • feat(india): E Invoice Cancel Eway Bill is enabled. (#30888)
  • feat(india): E Invoice Eway Bill Distance is calculated automatically. (#30908)
  • feat(india): e-invoicing for intra-state union territory transactions (#30626)
  • feat(india): generate qrcode button for e-invoice (#30939)
  • feat(minor): fetch default salary structure and base from Employee Grade in Salary Structure Assignment (#30918)
  • feat(Non Profit): API Endpoint to update halted Razorpay subscriptions (#26427)
  • feat(pos): Total item qty field to POS screen (#28331)
  • feat(Print Format): KSA VAT Invoice (#28166)
  • feat(regional): KSA E-Invoicing and VAT Report (#27369)
  • feat(Regional): KSA E-Invoing optimizations and POS support (#28776)
  • feat(regional): South Africa VAT Audit Report (#26480)
  • feat(regional): toggle for reduced depreciation rate as per IT Act (#27600)
  • feat(SLA): Apply SLA to any document (#22449)
  • feat(stock): Pick List Scan (#30832)
  • feat(UX): Option to exclude holidays while marking monthly attendance (#29185)
  • perf: Add indexes in stock queries and speed up bin updation (#27758)
  • perf: BOM Update Tool (#31072)
  • perf: don't query unless required (#26175)
  • perf: GLE reposting with progress and chunking (#31343)
  • perf: improve financial statement loading time (#28238)
  • perf: improve sales invoice submission (#27916)
  • perf: index barcode for faster scans (#30543)
  • perf: Optimize get_attribute_filters (#26729)
  • perf: reduce number of queries to validate selling price (#26225)
  • perf: remove forcing of posting sort index on stock balance report (#28902)
  • perf: use cached single docs (#30536)
  • perf: various minor perf fixes for ledger postings (#26775)
  • perf: Weed out disabled variants via sql query instead of pythonic looping separately (#29639)
  • perf(asset): fetch only distinct depreciable assets (#30114)
  • perf(cache): fix active SLA doctype caching (#26861)
  • perf(minor): general ledger report (#27987)
  • perf(minor): remove unnecessary comprehensions (#25645)
  • refactor: (ux) Accepted/Rejected/Received Qty UX (#28269)
  • refactor: .doc missing and empty row on new doc (#27408)
  • refactor: update_invoice_status with query builder (#28160)
  • refactor: Accounts Receivable/Payable Report will use Payment Ledger (#31107)
  • refactor: Accounts Settings form cleanup (#26842)
  • refactor: Add exception handling in background job within BOM Update Tool (#30146)
  • refactor: add payment terms status rpt to Selling homepage (#30816)
  • refactor: Asset Repair (#25798)
  • refactor: call repost directly during tests (#30277)
  • refactor: Clean up mutable defaults and add CI check (#27828)
  • refactor: clean up product bundle client side code (#31455)
  • refactor: DB independent capitalization of test cases (#31359)
  • refactor: DB independent quoting and truthy/falsy values (#31358)
  • refactor: department creation (#31548)
  • refactor: don't use pandas for basic reports (#30597)
  • refactor: E-commerce (port to develop) (#27923)
  • refactor: Employee Leave Balance (#29439)
  • refactor: exclude submittable doctype from SLA (#29286)
  • refactor: fetching of account balance in chart of accounts (#27661)
  • refactor: get_fiscal_years API (#31337)
  • refactor: Healthcare Redesign Changes (#27236)
  • refactor: if() to CASE WHEN (#31360)
  • refactor: lead (#26085)
  • refactor: map serial from schedule if only one (#28745)
  • refactor: migrating data from GL to payment ledger using raw SQL (#31182)
  • refactor: move Bin queries to qb (#28522)
  • refactor: move patches to post migration (#28940)
  • refactor: move process loss report to manufacturing (#28043)
  • refactor: Optimized code for reposting item valuation (#26433)
  • refactor: payment reconciliation tool (#27128)
  • refactor: Payment Reconciliation tool will use Payment Ledger (#31136)
  • refactor: Payment Request added to PO Dashboard (#29070)
  • refactor: rectify typo (#27057)
  • refactor: remove add_fetch (#31315)
  • refactor: Remove dead code (#30140)
  • refactor: remove redundant if-statement (#30311)
  • refactor: Remove redundant variables.scss import (#25824)
  • refactor: removed unrequired code and test for standalone delivery note serial return (#30276)
  • refactor: removed validation to check zero qty (#30015)
  • refactor: renamed varint_item_code to variant_item_code (#27025)
  • refactor: Replace usage of render with get_response (#26088)
  • refactor: sales analytics (#30312)
  • refactor: scan barcode field scanning (#26990)
  • refactor: Selling Settings form cleanup (#26841)
  • refactor: shows opening balance from filtered from_date (#26877)
  • refactor: simpler batching for GLE reposting (#31374)
  • refactor: social media post fixes (#24664)
  • refactor: stock balance report (#30677)
  • refactor: tax rule validity query (#30934)
  • refactor: timesheet (#25792)
  • refactor: trigger generate schedule when any change made in items table (#29874)
  • refactor: update cost updates operation time and hour rates in BOM (#25891)
  • refactor: update manufacturing module onboarding (#26945)
  • refactor: update stock module onboarding (frontport #25745) (#27055)
  • refactor: update_serial_no function for old Maintenance Visits (#28843)
  • refactor: updated buying onboarding tours. (#27800)
  • refactor: use read_only_depends_on instead of code (#27008)
  • refactor: use CURRENT_DATE instead of CURDATE() (#31356)
  • refactor: use db independent offset syntax (#31345)
  • refactor!: change "is_subcontracted" field type from "Select" to "Check" (#30528)
  • refactor!: drop e-invoicing integration from erpnext (#26940)
  • refactor!: drop github connector from ERPNext (#31316)
  • refactor!: drop naming series tool (#31183)
  • refactor!: drop shopify integration from ERPNext (#26700)
  • refactor!: dynamically compute bom_level (#29522)
  • refactor!: remove abbreviation renaming (#27766)
  • refactor!: remove amazon mws integration (#29438)
  • refactor!: remove DATEV integration (#30584)
  • refactor!: remove e_invoice utils (#27167)
  • refactor!: Remove education domain from ERPNext (#30830)
  • refactor!: remove hub (#28117)
  • refactor!: remove India specific code (#29884)
  • refactor!: Remove non-profit domain from ERPNext (#29151)
  • refactor!: Removed agriculture module from ERPNext (#29022)
  • refactor!: Removed healthcare module from ERPNext (#27362)
  • refactor!: Removed hospitality domain from ERPNext (#29167)
  • refactor(KSA VAT): QR Code as per ZATKA specification (#28605)
  • refactor(pos): use pos invoice item name as unique identifier (#26157)
  • refactor(SLA): Application of SLA and its fields (#28550)
  • refactor(UX): Salary Slip creation and submission via background job in Payroll Entry (#31074)

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