github frappe/erpnext v12.2.0
Release v12.2.0

latest releases: v15.29.0, v14.70.8, v15.28.2...
4 years ago
  • log: Change log for v12.2.0
  • Stock acc bal sync msg (#19676)
  • Asset cancellation fix (#19671)
  • Fixed Asset Refactor Review fixes (#19665)
  • fix: last purchase rate greater than selling price
  • fix: Multiple fixes related to landed cost accounting (#19656)
  • fix: asset movement ux fixes (#19641)
  • fix: code cleanup
  • fix: not able to select item in sales order
  • fix(expense claim): fetch outstanding documents based on party account type
  • feat: fetch leave approver from both employee and department approvers (#19613)
  • fix: pending on review date (#19609)
  • fix: Book valuation expense in specified account rather than expense included in valuation account (#19590)
  • Fixed asset refactor (#19369)
  • fix: sales order item shwoing incorrect produced qty (#19584)
  • fix: Ignore period closing voucher entries in accounts dashboard
  • fix: fetch approver from employee
  • fix: stock reconciliation shwoing incorrect current serial no and qty
  • fix: Account Balance and Stock Value out of sync error message (#19526)
  • Update work_order.js
  • fix: One serial no can be tagged in multiple invoices if used against different items (#19580)
  • fix(patch): skip leave ledger entry creation for denied leaves (#19579)
  • fix: skip leave ledger entry creation for denied leaves (#19556)
  • fix(Task): Do not create/schedule task after project end (#19184)
  • fix: duplication while bulk creation of item tax template (#19570)
  • fix: get tags for rfq (#19564)
  • fix(patch): Enable CWIP Accounting
  • fix: fetch leave approver defined in employee in leave application (#19559)
  • Monthly distribution of depreciation amount (#19493)
  • fix: travis failing (#19568)
  • fix: Show AR summary based on outstanding (#19573)
  • fix: incorrect produced qty in the production plan (#19569)
  • fix: merge similar entries for serialized items in stock reconciliation (#19408)
  • fix: Set due date in accounts receivable based on payment terms (#19563)
  • fix: Accumulated Values filter disappearing
  • fix: email digest showing incorrect upcoming events (#19552)
  • fix(batch): fetch company on splitting the batch (#19558)
  • feat: Disable CWIP Accounting checkbox added in Company and Asset Category (#19262)
  • fix: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'NoneType' (#19553)
  • feat: [production_plan -> fetching item description] Fetch item description from Material Request or Sales Order (#19541)
  • fix: Add Serial No. button not responding (#19550)
  • fix: Expense claim paid through employee advance getting fetched as outstanding in Payment Entry (#19427)
  • fix(employee): show only active employees in the error display while marking a reporting to employee as left
  • fix: dictionary changed size during iteration (#19546)
  • Fix Bank Reconcilaition for Payment Entries (#19190)
  • Move add_custom_button for Gantt and Kanban Board (#19193)
  • fix: Made Campaign for field mandatory
  • Rendered Email template in email Campaign
  • fix: Currency Exchange for_selling and for_buying on the same day (#19339)
  • fix(trial balance): Show opening and closing of group account in single column (#19509)
  • fix: added description, uom fields in material request plan item table (#19463)
  • enhancement: Item-wise sales history report (#19500)
  • fix: incorrect balance qty in stock ledger if batch filter set (#19479)
  • fix: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stock_uom' (#19532)
  • fix: precision issue
  • feat: Enhancement in landed cost voucher (#19252)
  • fix: Accounting Dimension custom fields should be admin owned (#19525)
  • fix: GSTIN validation msg fix
  • fix: Exception handling in GSTR-1 Report
  • fix(Integration): Woocommerce issues (#19487)
  • fix: Accounts mandatory depending on share transfer type (#19523)
  • fix: remove validate for issue priority (#19522)
  • fix: reload global defaults (#19517)
  • fix[minor]: Payment Entry status patch (#19519)
  • fix: Sales and Purchase Invoice Status, Payment Reconciliation Credit/Debit Note (#19388)
  • fix(cart): return rule instead of rule_label_map
  • fix: Add a setting to make creation of new Student User optional (#19122)
  • feat(regional): enable transaction log for germany (#19198)
  • fix: Version 12 Bank Reconciliation fix (#19182)
  • perf: Optimise BOM Update Tool (#19236)
  • feat: duplicate linked task in project (#19271)
  • fix: Added 'status' field in Payment Entry (#19507)
  • fix: contact creation and fetching for shopping cart (#19510)
  • Update accounts_receivable.js
  • fix: incorrect number of entries while making deferred revenue entry (#19473)
  • internal issues (#19496)
  • fix: unknown column credit limit in accounts receivable report
  • minor: code cleanup
  • fix: invoice creation tool of invoices with no paid and outstanding amounts
  • fix: fix dashboard with date range
  • fix(sales order): rename delivery to delivery note on sales order make button
  • fix: Wrong warehouse fetched in production plan
  • fix: Add missing semicolon
  • fix: coupon code changes suggested by prasad (#19352)
  • fix: fetch employee department (#19433)
  • feat: Show timesheets related to customer's projects on customer portal (#19443)
  • fix: Pass parent_acc_name (#19450)
  • fix: Test Case
  • fix: purchase order issue, margin_rate_or_amount not there in the purchase documents (#19466)
  • feat: Stock value and account balance sync. (#19233)
  • fix: Fetching catched meta and removed description fetch from Search Fields
  • Revert "fix: patch, item tax template showing 'Untitled' in the name"
  • replaced frappe.db.sql with frappe.get_all
  • fix: item price stock report not working
  • chore: moved email digest to long job
  • fix(bom): maintain a default bom for an item (#19407)
  • fix: calculate pending leaves (#19411)
  • fix: not able to select the project in the work order
  • fix: On Specific case if no item code in name (#19419)
  • fix: typo in production plan
  • fix: codacy
  • fix: error message matches field name
  • fix(ExpenseClaim): List filter config for Rejected and Unpaid (#19434)
  • fix:indentation
  • fix:readability
  • Remove doctype related to appointment scheduling
  • fix: hide schedule section on new forms
  • fix:better error message when sales person is none
  • fix: hide generate schedule button on new forms
  • Update
  • fix: patch, item tax template showing 'Untitled' in the name
  • chore: rename undefined variable in shopify_log
  • chore: fix unexpected keyword in shopify_settings
  • fix: default accounts are not added on creation of company
  • patch: Missing Patch for item Tax template
  • fix: Search field entries included in Item Link field query
  • fix: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
  • fix: Better validation msg for difference account in Stock Entry (#19400)
  • fix: Overwrite default cost center if item has default cost center set. (#19405)
  • fix: unregistering url wrong formated string
  • fix: Spelling of Variance
  • fix: sync delivery note status in both list view and form view
  • Add generic 'Appointment' doctype
  • fix(selling): Add missing label to company address field
  • Revert "fix: Allow disabled links in issue doctype (#19265)"
  • fix: linking of time_log to timesheet from project (frappe/erpnext #19315 )
  • [Fix] restricted duplicate guardians on student doctype (#19194)
  • fixed typo
  • fix: operating cost calculation in JS
  • feat: add statuses for Serial No

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