github foxcpp/maddy v0.2.1
maddy 0.2.1

latest releases: v0.7.1, v0.7.0, v0.6.3...
4 years ago

Stability: This version is believed to be stable enough for use in use
non-critical deployments.


If you require hz-gb-2312 handling and understand security consequences, manually
build maddy 0.2.1 with -tags hz_gb_2312 passed to go build command.

Bug fixes

  • dist: Remove unnessecary log prefix matching for fail2ban filter (979effb)
    Thanks @bn4t!

  • check/dkim: Fix a couple of issues in error handling (076fc0d)

    DKIM signatures with missing required fields were still considered
    passing for purposes of action selection.

    dkim.IsPermFail/dkim.IsTempFail calls were checking the wrong error

  • storage/imapsql: Fix Close deadlock in case of EnableUpdatePipe fail (96a3b96)

  • Fix inconsistency in SASLAuth logger name for endpoints (6b87eb9)

  • log: Strip extra newline from Logger.Write output (ebccff0)

Documentation improvements

Build artifacts

Artifact SHA-256
maddy executable (Linux, x86_64, musl) 443dfa57f3e5e39ad4130389d439627c2efecba68ac4c9991c4a7cb54c3ce59a
maddyctl executable (Linux, x86_64, musl) b9fafcd302f9c55053a2c8609a9b9dd72ab185d332c436b4c2942a79afa7ef99
Full Zstd tarball (Linux, x86_64, musl) b64fcefe64eb081ac1a67c8e38c218c76115014f3d7dcafb7e0a35414faafeb7
Source code tarball a634e054bf3766816643028a5e302c27ec9ddd391fd2a13f12b6959aa86b38e9

🔒 Attached tarballs are signed using PGP key 3197 BBD9 5137 E682 A597 17B4 34BB 2007 0813 96F4

Build artifacts are produced using the same environment as 0.1.

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