github foundry-rs/foundry nightly-9db03d6dd659c3fcb2f5eb67f21f1a8900288b0b
Nightly (2022-06-09)

latest releases: nightly-0d5ad758e08fc5ddbd2069f068093c4a94347d1c, nightly, stable...
pre-release2 years ago


  • feat(forge): allow install in config folder (#1858)


  • fix(anvil): deserialize numeric params properly (#1857)
  • forge(fix): dont give out error if artifact has no source on script (#1880)
  • anvil(fix): include target index in cumulative_gas_used (#1885)


  • test: add tx receipt test (#1876)
  • anvil: add net_listening call for usage with Remix (#1878)
  • forge: add script/ to project paths (#1877)
  • forge(feat): make estimateGas for all transactions before broadcast for L2s (#1883)

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