github fossas/fossa-cli v3.1.0

latest releases: v3.9.20, v3.9.19, v9.9.9...
2 years ago


  • Fossa API: Uses SSL_CERT_FILE, and SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable for certificates when provided. (#760)
  • UX: Uses error messages received from FOSSA api, when reporting API related errors. (#792)
  • UX: Adds scan summary tabulating errors, warnings, project directory, and skipped projects. (#790)

The 3.1.x series includes a number of internal changes to make future development easier. The most notable changes are the rewrite of our frontend code, and a rework of our error-handling and error-reporting systems.

The frontend code is the code responsible for processing command-line and config-file options, validation of those options, and delegating those options to a high-level command to do the actual work.

The error-handling system is what allows us to cleanly handle exceptions and fallback code, and the error reporting system monitors the error handling system to decide what to report to the user, and how to report it.

These changes together provide a few user-facing benefits as well:

  • We now try to report all invalid configuration to the user, instead of just the first invalid option we find.
  • Error/warnings are being reworked (some of which has already happened) to be less noisy, and more informative.
  • The formatting of errors and warnings has been reworked as well, to provide a message that helps users intuitively understand what they do to resolve the error.

For the future of the v3.1.x series, we are focused on improving the errors of most (if not all) of the language/build-tool analyzers.

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