75e6747 fix: Ignore root dep locators when computing import paths
6b1e7cb ci: Add go-bindata to Dockerfile
6acc2f7 fix(npm): Don't include extraneous root
448c1fe feature(api): Serialize locators in FOSSA format
cc1cc9a feat(ruby): Ruby path data parser
9e00849 Merge branch 'master' of
66bb021 feat(sbt): SBT path data parsing
0a58a70 feat(sbt): SBT path data parsing
75f22ce feat(pip): Pip path data parsing
f14664e Merge branch 'next'
316fe02 feat(nuget): NuGet path data (very slow)
ddd17ef [WIP] Path parsing for NuGet
574e421 fix(npm): Allow NPM to have errors because npm i is inconsistent
3a7c81b feat(nodejs): Add path data parsing
8ffd098 fix(go): Correctly handle internal and root packages
c3f0847 feat(maven): Maven relationship data
e1bb72e feat(gradle): Add gradle path data and fix bullshit memory bug
413f55a feat(go): Fast golang path data
c21dc4c feat(go): Golang path data (very slow)
06d9cd8 feat(composer): Add composer path data
c31a975 feat(bower): Add origin path detection
571cf4e refactor(cmd): Use IO services for effects [WIP]
013e269 feat(di): Implement common side-effecting services
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.10.1 linux/amd64