github forta-network/forta-node v0.6.0

latest releases: v0.9.10, v0.9.9, v0.9.8...
23 months ago


Scanning alerts

Forta alerts are now a new type of input for detection bots! The bots that specify a list of bot subscriptions in the initialize() response will start receiving handleAlert() calls and can produce new alerts from previous alerts!

Local storage

An offline Kubo node is now used as the backend of a new storage service in the node cluster. A limited history of receipts from alert batch submissions are now persisted in this layer. This will allow building more features to help the node operators own and have visibility on their content.

Safe offsets

In some cases, operators need to use one provider for scanning chain data and another one for the proxy which allow bots to make extra checks on the chain. We added a feature to maintain a safe distance from the scan API whenever this is the case, so the bots can have less eth_call failures from the proxy API.

Other improvements

  • Alerts now support labels which are useful for creating more context
  • Deduplication check support for local mode alerts

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.9...v0.6.0

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