An android app that displays sunlight and moonlight times.
This release:
- fixes app crash when location supplied by GPS has negative altitude (some Samsung devices).
- fixes bug where the date has advanced to the next day but the displayed times have not (after midnight up to difference between local time and timezone).
- fixes bug where the formatted date is off by a day (before midnight up to difference between local time and timezone).
- fixes widget config edittext auto-correct behavior (now disabled for title text, launch app).
- simplifies datepicker (removes mode spinner) (#173).
- app now automatically restarts on day/night change (when using nightmode theme).
- app now automatically advances to next note (when card is unswapped).
- app now automatically restarts on theme change or locale change.
- app now automatically recalculates/updates on day change.
- adds "restore defaults" button to "On Tap: Launch App" help dialog.
- adds moontimes icon (displayed by moon widgets in widget list).
- updates translations (eo, pl) (#180).