github formatjs/formatjs v1.1.0-rc-1
React Intl Components

latest releases: react-intl@6.6.5, eslint-plugin-formatjs@4.13.0, @formatjs/editor@2.0.45...
pre-release9 years ago

This is a pre-release that changes the main API (in a backwards compatible way) to focus on using React Components for formatting, instead of calling methods provided by the React Intl Mixin.

You can now do things like this:

var MyComponent = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ReactIntl.Mixin],

  render: function () {
    return (
      <p><ReactIntl.Number style="percent">{0.95}</ReactIntl.Number></p>
            deadline={new Date()}

Please test out the new components and provide us feedback so we can ship v1.1.0 GA.

See: #24 for more details

$ npm install react-intl@next

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