github formatjs/formatjs @formatjs/intl-numberformat@5.0.0

latest releases: vue-intl@6.5.0, react-intl@6.6.6, intl-messageformat@10.5.12...
3 years ago

5.0.0 (2020-07-03)

Bug Fixes

  • add locale-data to package.json files (52a1481)


  • @formatjs/intl-numberformat: restructure locale-data output (4086a49)


  • @formatjs/intl-numberformat: Remove ponyfill mechanism. Our polyfill mechanism also detects buggy native implementation so we can override.
  • @formatjs/intl-numberformat: Move locale-data outside of dist. This means new locale-data path would be @formatjs/intl-numberformat/locale-data instead of @formatjs/intl-numberformat/dist/locale-data

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