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FontForge 2014-11 Stable Release: Kern King

latest releases: 20230101, 20220308, 20201107...
9 years ago
  • Mac: Download App
  • Windows: Download Installer
  • Ubuntu: Official Project PPA
  • Source Code: A green-colored button below links to a tarball that is prepared for building RPMs in build systems that don't support ./bootstrap; the grey-colored buttons link to a ZIP and a tarball that are simply the state of the git repo at the time of the release.

As always, this release fixes a large number of bugs and user interface quirks.

This release includes enhanced support for using native U. F. O. data structures (in groups.plist and kerning.plist) for exporting class kerning. This functionality was previously only easily addressable for data imported from a U. F. O. that used those data structures. There is now a check box on the generate fonts options box for this.

It is worth noting that native U. F. O. kerning assumes one unified look-up and has no way to deal with multiple scripts or subtables, so storing information in this way might cause an undesirable loss of information. As a result, we have left exporting this information to the feature file as the default behavior.

This release also adds theming support for many user interface parameters.

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