github flyteorg/flyte v1.6.0
Flyte v1.6.0 milestone release

latest releases: flytectl/v0.8.24, v1.12.1-rc0, flytestdlib/v1.12.1-rc0...
13 months ago

Flyte v1.6.0 release

In this release we're announcing support for writing backend plugins in python. This is in experimental state, feedback
and bug reports are welcome!

Database migrations

This release contains a database migration that remediates an issue that we discovered with very old installations of Flyte.
For more details, please read the Flyte [](1.5.1 release notes).


As mentioned in the previous release, we are working to improve performance investigations. In this release we're announcing:

  1. Runtime metrics UI
  2. Profile time spent in a task via @timeit decorator
  3. Lazy loading of flytekit dependencies


Lots of features shipped in 1.6, including:

  1. Prettified pyflyte run logs
  2. Simplified image builds via ImageSpec
  3. External backed plugins

For a full changelog, go to




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