github fluxcd/helm-operator 1.3.0-rc1
Helm operator 1.3.0-rc1

latest releases: v1.4.4, 1.4.4, chart-1.4.4...
pre-release2 years ago

Helm Operator and Flux v1 are in maintenance:
Efforts have been focused on the next generation of Flux, also called the GitOps Toolkit, which has crossed the feature-parity milestone, and is already recommended for production use in many cases. The helm-controller is the replacement for Helm Operator. The roadmap for Flux v2 development including Helm Controller can be found here.

We are eager to hear feedback, suggestions, and/or feature requests for the helm-controller and other Toolkit components. The migration timetable will be kept updated with developments regarding the ongoing support of Helm Operator.

Users of Helm Operator should be planning their migrations, and report any blocking issues so that they can be addressed as early as possible.

NOTE: Make sure to update the CRD when upgrading from a previous version as they may have been changed since the prior release.

Documentation for Helm Operator has moved under This release includes any merged fixes that were unreleased for the past year, and does not include any breaking changes.

The next MINOR (1.4.0) release of Helm Operator will break compatibility with older releases of Kubernetes, in order to ensure forward compatibility with long-awaited breaking changes in Kubernetes 1.22.0.

(fluxcd/helm-operator#599 and fluxcd/helm-operator#618 describe the breaking changes that are upcoming in Helm Operator 1.4.0.)






Thanks to @Carles-Figuerola, @amit-handda, @bmalynovytch, @coultenholt, @dholbach, @em-schmidt, @flimzy, @fredr, @hiddeco, @jbuettnerbild, @kingdonb, @krichardson-apexclearing, @mattjw, @mbrancato, @mnaser, @neil-greenwood, @nilesh892003, @smarthall, @stefanprodan, @swade1987, @t1bb4r, @tux-00 and @wujiangfa-xlauncher for their contributions to this release.

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