github fluxcd/flux 1.24.1
Flux 1.24.1

latest releases: chart-1.13.3, 1.25.4, v1.25.4...
2 years ago

Flux v1 is in maintenance mode

All users are encouraged to migrate to Flux v2 or begin planning their migration, and to continue filing issues if migrations are blocked.

1.24.1 (2021-09-09)

This release fixes an issue when Docker Hub rate limit is not properly handled by Flux daemon as rate limiting. Docker Hub sends its rate limit warnings as an error that does not include the expected "429" Too Many Requests status code.

This release also includes a base image upgrade to Alpine 3.14.2 that mitigates several CVE scan warnings in the base image related to openssl and libgcrypt.

(A first attempt to publish this release on 2021-09-08 failed due to issues with github-release, so it was re-tagged on 2021-09-09 with changes to the CI job that resolved the issue.)


Maintenance and documentation


Thanks to @fdpeiter and @kingdonb for their contributions to this release.

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