Release v4.5.1 - 2023/08/31
- Update fluentd to 1.16.2
- Update gems
- Windows: Fix failure to launch Fluentd manually by td-agent command
Core component
- ruby v2.7.8
- jemalloc v3.6.0
- OpenSSL 1.1.1t Windows & macOS
- fluentd v1.16.2 (update)
Core gems
- bundler v2.3.26
- msgpack v1.7.1 (update)
- v1.7.1
- serverengine v2.3.2
- oj v3.15.0 (update)
- async-http v0.60.2 (update)
- http_parser.rb v0.8.0
- yajl-ruby v1.4.3
- sigdump v0.2.5 (update)
- tzinfo v2.0.6
- tzinfo-data v1.2023.3
Bundled plugins and gems
- td-client v1.0.8
- fluent-plugin-td v1.2.0
- aws-sdk-core v3.178.0 (update)
- aws-sdk-s3 v1.129.0 (update)
- fluent-plugin-s3 v1.7.2
- webhdfs v0.10.2
- fluent-plugin-webhdfs v1.5.0
- ruby-kafka v1.5.0
- rdkafka v0.11.1
- fluent-plugin-kafka v0.19.0
- elasticsearch v8.8.0 (update)
- fluent-plugin-elasticsearch v5.3.0
- prometheus-client v2.1.0
- fluent-plugin-prometheus v2.1.0 (update)
- fluent-plugin-prometheus_pushgateway v0.1.1 (update)
- systemd-journal v1.4.2
- fluent-plugin-systemd v1.0.5
- fluent-plugin-record-modifier v2.1.1
- fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter v2.4.0
- fluent-plugin-sd-dns 0.1.0
- fluent-plugin-flowcounter-simple 0.1.0
- fluent-diagtool v1.0.1
- fluent-plugin-utmpx v0.5.0
- fluent-plugin-opensearch v1.1.3 (update)
- fluent-plugin-metrics-cmetrics v0.1.2
- fluent-plugin-calyptia-monitoring v0.1.3
On Windows
- winevt_c v0.10.1
- fluent-plugin-parser-winevt_xml v0.2.6 (update)
- fluent-plugin-windows-eventlog v0.8.3
- fluent-plugin-windows-exporter v1.0.0